Disclaimer: Joss is the evil mastermind of Buffy and its characters so they don't belong to me. Jurassic Park doesn't belong to me either.


This is the way it should be, Spike thought as the two of them casually strolled through Restfield cemetery. Out patrolling for demons with your best mate, or best girl as he longed for even more. It had been another uneventful patrol, just a few vamps here and there.

"This is getting just way too creepy. Doesn't seem the little demons want to come out and play anymore."

"Buffy, if you wanted little demons…" Spike sounded peculiar and she looked over at him curiously but he had stopped a few paces back and seemed to be staring wide-eyed at something in front of them. She looked in the direction he was gawking at and her mouth dropped. A creature like neither one had ever seen before was slowly lumbering in their general direction. "…then I suggest you need to put in your requests a little sooner, pet."

The demon stood around 7 ft. tall, had a long tail with razor-sharp spikes running up and down it, feet with sharp claws yet its arms were teeny tiny. Actually, it looked like 3 or 4 different species of dinosaur thrown into one pot and that was what came out.

"Any suggestions, luv, and quick like?" Spike continued to stare at the creature.

"How do you kill a thing like that?" Ideas rolled through Buffy's mind.

"No idea. But as soon as possible."

"Great, thought I could go home, put my feet up, have a nice relaxing evening in front of the TV, but no, now I have to deal with Mr. Jurassic Park here." Buffy moaned.

"Huh?" Spike chanced a look at the Slayer.

"A book, made into a movie, about dinosaurs."

"I know what Jurassic means. Guess that book was never on my best reads list and I sure as hell wouldn't watch a movie about creatures older than me. Let's just hope Puff here doesn't spit out fire." Spike dropped into a fighting stance.

"I guess it's time to find out. I'll take the front you bring up the rear. And be careful. Those look like wicked spikes…Spike." She snickered under her breath.

"Bloody terrific, I'm stuck out here with a comedienne. You slay me…Slayer," he smirked. "Be careful, too."

The demon roared at them as it approached seemingly ticked off at someone or some thing or it could have even been mad that they were standing in its path of destruction. Spike grabbed a sword from Buffy's bag of goodies as she grabbed a battle axe. They would have to be quick and lively to stay away from all the sharp protruding extremities. Its first swing at Buffy was slow and clumsy so they knew if they could just outwit it somehow, they could easily slip in for the kill.

Buffy got in a few swings, but its hide was tough and hard to penetrate. Spike had been knocked down a few times by its wicked tail, nothing he couldn't bounce back from so when he realized that he finally found an edge, the vampire jumped onto the creature’s back. It looked like they might be bringing the demon down, when it suddenly sprouted an extra pair of tremendously long and mightily powerful arms from each side. Both arms ended with 4 very sharp daggers and Buffy never knew what hit her when one of the sharp implements slashed across her belly. Spike slid his sword into the spot he had eyed earlier all the while feeling a slight pain in his gut. With a groan from them both, the beast toppled over, dead as a door nail. Spike had rolled off of it as it plummeted to the ground hard.

Spike was doubled over as he stared at the fallen demon. "Well, well, what do you know? It was killable. Buffy? Oh, god, no."

Spike ran over to a crumpled up Buffy just as a wave of nausea rose up to his throat and flashes of the last time she died hit him hard. He fell to his knees next to her and cradled her head, the tears starting without warning.

"Buffy, luv, how we doing? Talk to me." he whispered in her ear.

"Spike", she moaned. "I guess I should have parried when I thrust. It hurts. Is it bad?"

"I've seen uglier, gaping, oozing wounds, pet. I'm going to carry you home. Hold on tight. Buffy don't leave me, you understand?"

"Understood. Just hurry." She drifted off into a somewhat unconscious state.

The house was dark when they arrived. Thinking Giles must have taken the girls out somewhere, Spike ended up kicking the door in. "Sorry bout the door, luv, I'll fix it tomorrow."

He laid Buffy on the living room couch and made sure she was still awake, which thankfully she was. She looked at him and saw how scared he was.

"Towels in the linen closet, first aid kit under sink in the bathroom," she whispered.

He bounded up the stairs two at a time and rounded the corner, suddenly freezing at the bathroom doorway as if he hit an invisible barrier that was keeping him from entering even though he knew what it really was. He growled at himself. "Get over it, get over it, get over it. It's all in the past, move on. I'm bigger, better and stronger than you and I will come out on top."

He ran into the bathroom, grabbed what he needed and flew down the stairs again just as the others walked through the front door.

"I need help," he hoarsely told them. Dawn went into hysterics when she saw her wounded sister and Spike ordered her get a basin of water from the kitchen to keep her busy. Willow ran up to get some blankets and Giles stayed to help Spike clean and dress the wounds.

An hour later all five occupants were completely knocked out lying around on various pieces of furniture in the living room. Buffy sat up and looked at them, smiling because she knew they again beat the bad guy and cheated death once more. Spike heard her stirring and looked up from where he was seated. He noticed how much better she looked as he stood quickly and walked over to her. When he reached the edge of the couch his knees gave way and he kneeled there beside her.

"Buffy, you doing ok, luv?" he whispered as he reached to touch her.

"Yeah, much better. Thanks for the rescue and the doctoring."

"Anytime, just not very soon and not very often, alright?"


"Buffy, I did it. I beat it." His eyes were shining with pride.

"I know you did. I saw it lying there on the ground."

"No, not that demon. My demon. I fought it and won. I believe everything’s going to be alright now. Thank you for making me see what I can do, what I can be. I know I have a long way to go but I'm on the right path now."

He wrapped his arms around her waist gently and laid his head on her shoulder. She returned the hug. "Baby steps," she whispered into his ear.


It was early Friday evening and Dawn was excited about putting together a Scooby night. Everyone was going to be there, including Anya and Xander. Spike and Xander had already been reprimanded ahead of time and both warned by the Summers sisters to keep their rude and garish comments to themselves. Spike agreed with a slight growl, Xander reluctantly consented. It would be hard enough to be in the same room with the vampire let alone not be able to throw snide remarks towards him.

Spike had reservations about even being there at all. For some reason, he still didn’t feel like he belonged in the gang even though Dawn had announced to everyone he was an official member. No one complained, except of course Xander.

Spike wandered into the kitchen to find Dawn preparing snacks for later and she turned just in time to see the evident concern written all over his face. She pulled a Buffy on him, arms crossed over her chest, hip tilted out to one side, and head cocked.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him.

“I don’t think, sweet bit, that I should even be here tonight. Don’t want your little festivity ruined by anything un-festive. The whelp and I don’t socialize too well.”

She resumed her work. “Don’t be a silly nitwit. Whether you know it or not, you’re a part of the team. I mean, I know there wasn’t an official newsletter about it, but you are and everyone is satisfied with that.”

“Yeah, I bet everyone is,” he grumbled his doubt.

Dawn squinted at him. “Are you scared of Xander?”

Spike sputtered. “What!!? Me, scared of the whelp? Never…how dare you even insinuate that.”

She smiled. “Then you’ll be here. No arguing about it because I’ll win anyway.”

He shook his head, disgusted at himself. “Yeah, tell me about it. Definitely a “Bitty Buffy”. Fine, I’ll stay, just for you, nibblet.”

She walked past him and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thanks,” she whispered and he gave her a smile in return.


Everyone showed up as promised and even an hour later, things were still civil. Spike stayed as far away from Xander as he could and Buffy noticed this, thinking that it was nice to see him at least trying to stay out of trouble. The soul, she knew, was working on him to behave.

After supper, where they spent some quality time discussing life in general, but before movie time, they decided to go out for patrol for old time’s sake. Both Anya and Willow didn’t seem too thrilled about the prospect of slaying vamps and demons, but they decided to tag along.

The gang wandered through two cemeteries without exerting too much. Buffy, Spike and occasionally Dawn did most of the dustings. Upon the arrival in the third cemetery, Buffy decided once through, they would head back for movies and munchies. Of course, that was enough to jinx everything for standing in the middle of the graveyard were a group of vampires looking like they were up to no good. Buffy and Spike were excited to get some slaying in, the others moaned in protest. She made sure everyone had a weapon and then headed towards the crowd, Spike and Dawn on either side of her.

Most of the vampires chickened out and ran away when they noticed who was marching towards them. Half of them stood their ground, ready to fight. The battle was swift and clean, as clean as you can get with vampire dust floating around everywhere and Giles was extremely impressed at the teamwork they had established. He was especially impressed at how well Buffy and Spike fought together. Seemed they always knew where the other was, knew what moves were coming up, and both flowed around the other like liquid. Yeah, he was definitely impressed.

Giles surveyed his team while Anya and Willow stood next to each other gabbing. Buffy was dusting vampire remains off of Dawn’s back as Spike packed up the weapons and Xander stood near a very large mausoleum when it hit. A slight tremble of the earth at first, then things started to shift dramatically. A concrete slab, one side of the crypt, broke away and teetered on edge toppling outward. Spike noticed it happening and with no reservations and at lightning speed, he sprinted and tackled Xander, sending them both flying. Xander hit the ground, shoulder first, dislodging it from the socket. He yelped in pain and Spike grabbed his head as shocks throbbed at his temples.

“Bloody hell”, he growled.


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