*Remember, this was written before the season 7 actually started using spoilers from various sites.*


Anya and Willow had spent the whole day together discussing Willow's dilemma, and her fears as she poured her heart out. Anya realized how much the two of them had in common and wondered why they were never good friends before. She figured that Xander played a part in keeping them from forming a tight bond. The jealousies that silently raged between them kept them distant. The talking was a good therapy and they resolved their differences in one day.

A few hours after sunset, they headed to the school to see if they could snag a particular blonde vampire at the start of his day. Willow laughed to herself as she thought about what a strange group of friends the three of them were. They were in luck as the two found him making his way out a back service door.

"Hey there, stranger."

"Oh, look, a couple of lovely birds come calling on lil' ol' me. What have I done to deserve such an honor?" The girls stood there for a while not saying a word, then both burst into a fit of giggles. Spike soon joined in.

"I was just on my way out to patrol a bit. Gonna come along, are you?"

"Well, I suppose we can tag along. Got extra weapons just in case?" Willow asked, knowing Spike was strong enough to protect them if they did come across any demons.

"Sure, pet."

"So, what new big bads are lurking these parts nowadays?" Spike and Anya weren't sure whether to let her in on the newest pest that was skinning "poor, defenseless" demons and leaving them hanging around. But…"Oh, what the hell." Spike exclaimed and he filled her in on everything by the time they reached the cemetery. She faltered a bit with the mention of skin being ripped off but both Anya and Spike placed a comforting hand on each shoulder and reassured her. He continued his account of the unseen assailant.


Xander pulled up at Buffy's near dusk to go on patrol with the slayer and Dawn. Buffy still felt uneasy leaving her sister alone in case Glory was actually back in town.

They had been at the cemetery for only a few minutes when Xander heard voices and looking up, he saw a sight that made him reel with anger. His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach.

"I'm going to kill him," he growled. Buffy had felt the familiar twinge at the same time Xander spoke and she looked in the direction he was talking to and noticed Anya and Spike walking together, seeming to be overly friendly with one another. Buffy felt a green tinge creeping up her cheeks and wondered why these feelings were coming over her.

Both groups stopped a good distance from one another. The air sizzled with an awkward silence. Xander broke it first.

"What are you doing here, Anya, and with dead boy?"

She answered matter-of-factly, "We're patrolling, if you really need to know."

"How convenient, the two of you together, to patrol?" Sarcasm dripped from Xander's voice.

She corrected, "No, the three of us." Willow stood there looking at her companions a bit confused. She slowly realized they must have run into her "other" friends.

"What the hell are you talking about, An?"

"The three of us? Willow, Spike and I? Oh, I forgot, you can't see her. She's invisible to you as well as the three of you are to her. She believes you really don't want to see her and she's concerned you will all desert her."

Spike snorted, "Funny, why would she ever think anything like that of you, Harris?"

"I so much want to see you in a little pile of dust tonight. There's a nice breeze, wouldn't take long for you to be swept away." Xander was seething.

Spike took a step towards him, "Bring it on, Slayer's pet. If you can't be man enough to show up to your own wedding, I can just bet…"

Willow stood rooted, shaking her head. The way Spike was talking she knew instantly he was speaking to Xander. Finally, she stepped forward and interrupted the exchange. She looked over at Spike. Xander cocked his head and wondered why Spike had stopped his abusive rant.

Willow started out calm, "Enough. I don't want any more fighting between my friends. Friends are supposed to respect and trust one another. Stand by each other and love each other unconditionally." The other three could hear Willow's voice faintly and as she rambled on, as a mist started to form where she was standing. They looked on bewildered as Willow took solid form and finished her speech. Spike raised his eyebrows and pointed around her. She slowly turned and was shocked to see Xander, Buffy and Dawn standing there in complete awe. Xander quickly walked to her and hugged his best friend tightly.

"Oh, Will…I’m so happy to see you…now. I've missed having my Willow around."

"It's good to see you, too, Xand. So good." Buffy stood there with tears rolling down her face.

"Buffy, I've missed you so much. Forgive me for…" Buffy wouldn't allow her to finish as she rushed to her and threw her arms around her.

"All is forgiven, Willow…I love you, and I've missed you, too."

"Oh, good, Buffy? Need to breathe a little but…this is nice."

"Sorry, Wills, it's just been…"

"I know. Dawnie, hi. I've missed you as well. Seeing you gives me good memories of Tara. I'm sorry for everything, sweetie. I hope we can be good friends again."

Dawn walked over to her and wrapped an arm around Willow's waist. "I can see that happening soon. Good to have you back home."

The three best friends stood in a circle and caught up for a bit as Dawn slipped away behind them. Dawn and Spike's eyes met briefly as tears spilled down her face. She slapped Spike on the arm, he grabbed it and winced. "Oww". She threw her arms around his neck and held on for dear life.

"Don't you ever leave me…or Buffy, like that again, you understand? You broke a promise and I expect you to never break another one as long as I live."

Spike ran his hand over his bit's hair and whispered in her ear, "I promise, sweet bit. And I'm so very sorry I hurt you…and big sis. I'll try my best not to do that again."

"I love you, Spike. You're like my big, over-protective, pain in the butt brother. A little grrr and fangy sometimes, but I like having you around."

"I think I like this being needed thing…and I love you, too, Nibblet," he quietly added that last bit.

Buffy saw the exchange taking place between her sister and the vampire with a soul and a wave of worry crashed over her. She still wasn't sure how to deal with Spike just yet, or whether to trust him completely.

"Dawn, do you mind going home with Willow while Xander and I finish patrolling?" She shook her head no and walked back over to stand next to her.

Willow asked, "We'll all get together later for some quality catch up time?" Buffy smiled. Dawn slipped her hand into Willow's and the two headed back to the Summers' home. Buffy and Xander continued on.

Spike asked, "Mind if we tag along?"

Xander, exasperated, replied, "Yes, we very much do."

"I wasn't asking you, whelp!"

Xander looked over to Anya. "Anya, you can go on home. I…"

"She doesn't take orders from you, you spineless wanker. She's an adult and not your concern anymore."

"Ok," Buffy interrupted once again. "That's it. I am so tired of all this male pride. Grow up, the both of you. Spike, it would be best if you just go."

Xander smiled evilly and Spike glared at him. "Bugger this," and in a huff, turned and walked away. Anya crossed her arms in front of her, shook her head sadly, and turned to follow Spike.


Dawn was a non-stop chatterbox all the way back to the house. Willow actually enjoyed the incessant ramble because ever since they left the cemetery, she had an uneasy feeling creep over her. She felt they were either being watched or followed and she just wanted to get safely indoors.

Dawn unlocked the front door and they crossed over the threshold. Just as Dawn turned to say something and before Willow could shut the door, an ugly, evil demon stepped in behind them. With a wave of his hands, both girls were overcome with paralysis. He snarled and pointed at Dawn, who started to levitate. She felt helpless especially when the monster grabbed Willow by the arm and exited the house.


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