Buffy was petrified as she looked herself over in the mirror looking at what Faith had done to her.
She wore tight, back leather pants with a red tube top that didn’t leave much to the imagination. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail with some loose strands framing her face. Her cousin had kept the make up to a minimum and for that he was grateful. Her eyes were lightly outlined with black eyeliner giving off a smoky look. Her lashes had been curled and lengthened with the magic of mascara. She wore only a sheer lip gloss and it made her mouth look like it was lightly coated in diamonds. To finish it off she wore the simple silver cross her mother had left for her.

“I can’t do this Faith, I cant leave this house.”
“You can and you will. There’s no time to change cuz you’re meeting Xander and Willow and I so don’t wanna have to call your Dad to tell him you’re skipping school the first day that he’ not around!”

Buffys eyes widened. She wouldn’t do that….would she? She didn’t wanna chance it and grabbed her schoolbag throwing Faith a dirty look although it was filled with love. It was the second week of the new school year and the first day off her new life.

“Wish me luck.” She said and left the house.
“Don’t need to B, you know what to do.” Faith replied to no one as she watched Buffy round the corner.

Buffy saw Will and Xand and walked over, taking a deep breath.
“Hey guys.”
“Oh my goddess.” Willow screeched looking at her best friend. This girl was a far cry from the one she’d met over a year ago. Xander could only stare open mouthed.

“You like?” Buffy asked her friend nervously.
“You look hot Buffy, I mean, I always knew you were pretty but WOW!”
Buffy sighed in relief.
“Thanx Wills, good to know.” Willow did not like the look on her friends face. “I’m giving you a makeover too, you’ll be sleeping at my house tonight.”
“Ummmmm, no?” Willow asked hopefully.
“Oh ya!” Buffy answered laughing.
Willow knew better than to argue with Buffy and reluctantly gave in.
“Fine but can I ask why the big change?”
“Because were better then those high and mighty pricks Will and we are gonna show them why!”
Xander finally found his voice again. “She’s right Willow. We’ve sat around and been fucked around by those guys for too long. I say we do this. I say we show ‘em who we really are!”
Willow had never seen Xander so enthused before and agreed with what he was saying.
“Good, the two people I want to take care of the most are Angel and Harmony. I’m pretty sure that the others just follow what they say because they’re just as scared of them as we are!”

“That’s a pretty good call.” A foreign voice interrupted. The three friends looked up to see Fred, Gunn, Cordy and Spike standing beside them. Fred was the first to speak.

“I know we have a lot of making up to do but trust us when we say that we wanna get back at them just as much as you do.”

Buffy couldn’t help but smile at the girls nervous rant, ‘Must be a nervous habit’ she deducted and couldn’t help noticing the way Cordy was checking Xander out.
“You guys want in? Fine, but you follow what I say.”
All of them agreed. Buffy knew that she would come to like Fred, Gunn and Cordy quickly but was weary of Spike.
“I assume you two ditched your other halves?” she directed the question to Cordy and Spike. When they nodded their yes’s she went on. “You guys do have a lot of making up to do and it’s not gonna be easy but you’ll find the three of us are more forgiving then the people you used to hang around with.” She didn’t have it in her heart to shut out people that were coming to her for help, she got that from her mom and knew her friends well enough to know that they were the same way. She couldn’t believe that they wanted to hang around her and her pals. Almost as if reading her mind Spike spoke up.
“I know it all seems surreal luv’ but the truth of the matter is that none of us liked being that way to you guys, it just sorta came with popular package, ya know?”
His eyes were pleading with her to understand, eyes so blue she could drown in them. He ran a hand through his sleeked back hair and she fought the urge to touch it. It looked so soft but put the thought in the back part of her mind that was labelled “Bad Buffy!!!”. This was going to be an interesting year.
“Ya I understand.” She answered looking each one of them in the eyes as she spoke. “Meet up with us at lunch for a start, let the other kids know you’re not really as bad as you seem.” And with that she walked away with her two best friends that were still in shock at what was going on, leaving their possibly new friends alone to digest what was going on.

Will, Xan and Buffy had study hall just before lunch, it gave them a chance to talk about what was going on.

“Look Buffy I’m all up for knocking down these assholes from their self made pedestals but I really don’t see how where gonna do it.” The brown haired boy said confused.

Buffy looked long and hard at her two friends before starting to speak.
“I’m only gonna explain this once to you. You are not losers, none of us are. We have god hearts and we care about people. All we have to do is stand up to the people who walk all over us and others will follow.” She thought of Spike and his friends. “Some people have already started to see things differently and I think having four of the most popular people in this school on our side is really gonna’ help.”
“How is it gonna help Buffy?” Willow interjected.
“They know Angel and Harmony’s little secrets, they also know what makes them tick. Everything they tell us can help us bring the King and Queen down. I’m not sure how or when but things are gonna change real soon.”
“Why do you think we can trust them?” Xander asked.
Buffy looked down at the book she was supposed to be reading. She’d never told them about her life before her mother had died, it was gonna shock them, they’d never even seen a picture of the old Buffy.
“Because I used to be them, I used to be popular.”
Willow’s eyes widened and Xander, thinking it was a joke burst into very unmanly giggles. Willow poked him in the rib. “She’s not joking Xan.” Xander stopped suddenly to look at Buffy who looked ashamed of herself.
“She’s right Xan, I’m not joking, I used to be the same type of person they were. I know it doesn’t excuse it but I did always feel bad for the people I mistreated but I didn’t want to be a loser, or what I considered to be a loser then. My views seemed to have changed a bit since then.”
Although her friends seemed disappointed that she’d never told them any of that before, Buffy could see that they understood and still loved her.
“Well you have my sword fair maiden” Xander offered her with a smile.
“Thanx guys, now lets try to get some actual studying done before we go to lunch.

She tried hard, she really did but she couldn’t stop herself from letting her thoughts wander to Spike. Something about that guy made her all….tingly? She didn’t know if that was the right word but she knew the feeling made her uneasy and she’d have to be on guard around him. After all you don’t jut get a crush on a guy who’s been laughing at you since you can remember and who’s been dating the devil disguised in the form of Harmony….did you? She made a note to ask him about why he didn’t talk to his father anymore and wondered if it had anything to do with shipping his sister Dru overseas to a private boarding school when they had been so close.

The bell rang and the three walked to the cafeteria, not sure what to expect. They sat in silence expecting them not to show up when they walked in. Xander waved them over and they sat down next to them. The cafeteria was buzzing about it.

“Hey y’all.” Fred said breaking the awkward silence. “I was thinking that maybe we could get to know each other a bit by telling everyone a little about ourselves.”
Buffy looked at her and smiled. They were really trying, she liked that and the girl continued. “Well I’m Fred and I moved here from texas when I was ten. I’m really a big science geek and I love reading. I met Gunn two years ago when we teamed up to do our science project and we’ve been together ever since. Also I’m real sorry for how I’ve acted towards you guys.” When she was done Cordy piped up.
“I’m Cordy and I’m single.” She gave Xander a slow, up and down. “I’m a bitch by nature but not as much of one as I’ve led you guys to believe. I love to shop and I hope we can all be friends.” She flashed them all her colgate smile.
“I’m really into sports but I cant play on any teams since I blew my knee out 3 years ago. I want to be a lawyer and I go by Gunn because it’s tougher than my real name, which is Charles and also only between us.”
Everyone laughed at that and to everyones surprise Willow went next.
“My name’s Willow and I don’t know what else to say. Ummmmmmm I love reading books about witches and I’m a virgo.”
Everyone gave her a soft smile, they all knew how shy she was and thought that it was cute.
“I’m Xander and I like to think I’m funny although I’m sure my jokes come out more offensive then anything.” He sneaked a quick peek at Cordy and blushed when he saw her staring. ‘This new alliance is definitely gonna have some perks.’
“I’m Spike and I’m sorry I’ve been such a wanker to you guys. I like living life on the edge, there’s not much more to me than that.”
“I’m Buffy, I’m tired of getting kicked around and I’m tired of not doing anything about it. I’m sure we’ll all become great friends and I can’t wait to bring down the “mod squad.”
Everyone broke into laughter at the choice of words to describe the popular kids. ‘I could really get used to the sound of that.’ Spike thought as he listened to Buffy’s giggles.
They were torn from their bonding session when Harmony came storming up behind them.

‘Who the fuck does he think he is breaking up with me?’ she seethed when she walked into the lunch room. She was already in a foul mood from getting her ass kicked and the fact that her mom had made her come to school with a black eye and was snarling by the time she made it to their table.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing with these losers Spike. The same goes for you three.” Looking at her other “friends at the same time. “I can’t believe you guys would be caught dead with these dorks.” She screamed and effectively got everyones attention. The other students who had been talking and eating stopped to watch the scene she was causing.

Buffy stood up and walked over to Harmony. “Listen you vapid ho, if you keep talking to me and my friends like that I will knock you down so fucken hard no amount of surgery will fix what used to be your face.”

Harmony blanched, scared because she didn’t have the protection of Fred and Cordy anymore. She looked around the room and saw people watching her to see her reaction to the small blonds threat.

“Listen Fluffy, just because you went all make over doesn’t make you hot. It doesn’t make you anything, you’re still nothing, you will always be nothing.” She looked over at Spike. “Come on baby, I forgive you, I’ll take you back.”

Spike just looked at her and then at Buffy. The smaller blond was close to popping and he knew he had to get Harmony out of there. He didn’t want Buffy to get into trouble for killing the bimbo and did the only thing that came to mind at the time.

Grabbing Buffy he pulled her down into his lap. She was surprised but let him go on with his plan. ‘Better then my plan of playing ‘beat the bimbo’ she mused and looked at him curiousy. He started talking to Harm again who was (Oh MY GOD) speechless at the moment.

“Sorry Harm, can’t leave with you.”
“Why the fuck not?”she screeched, finding her voice again.
“Because I’m in love with Buffy.” He blurted out, much to everyones shock including his own. The friends at his table though managed to keep the shock off of their faces so that Harmony wouldn’t know that it was a bluff.
“Since when you fucken bastard?”
“Since I looked into her eyes.” Was his simple response as he pulled Buffy down for a kiss after whispering “just go with it” so that she knew that this was just to piss off his ex and her tormentor. The two blonds lips met and the kiss deepened. After a moment they looked up to see Harmony stomping out of the room. Buffy jumped up and sat at her seat.

“That was quick thinking dude.” Xander said laughing along with the others who started talking about Harmony’s face when he’d kissed Buffy. The blondes shared a look and Spike wondered where that had come from. He knew he didn’t love her, fuck he didn’t even know her so he couldn’t…right?
Buffy was lost to the outside world as she remembered Spike's kiss. It was the best kiss of her life and she’d just had it in front of the whole fucken school. She got up from the table and ran.

*HAHA guess you want to know what happens next between them? Leave some reviews and you'll find out soon.Please and thank you guys!!!*

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