11. Dear boy.

Two o’ clock in the afternoon; time for a slayer to wake up after a night spent killing vampires and a lot of unsatisfying fucking. She had got home so frustrated, and looking forward to having fun with the four-century-old bitch she lived with…but the vamp was in a really bad mood and not available for their usual erotic games. What a boring companion…
A vampire having a breakdown – that’s all I need! Faith thought as she soaked in the shower, feeling her tense and painful muscles contract and relax under the hot water.
She came out of the bathroom, sprinkling water drops everywhere and leaving damp footprints on the white carpet: her bathrobe was undone and her hair was dripping wet.
“Shit, Faith…At least you could dry yourself…” Darla reproached her from where she lay on the bed. Prone, in a pale pink petticoat, an arm stretched out to reach the cigarette in the ashtray, she looked like a grotesque imitation of the corpse of Marilyn Monroe.
“What’s rattled your cage?” Faith asked, sitting down in an armchair. “If I didn’t know it’s impossible, I would swear you’re on your period…”
The vampire pulled on the cigarette and produced a little smoke ring, watching it drifting away and slowly disappearing. “I met Angelus last night…and something went wrong. Really wrong”.
“Jesus, what the hell has that demon got in his pants to make you all behave like little bitches?” Faith burst out. “The seventh wonder of the world?”
“Maybe the eighth one, you ignorant…” Darla mumbled, stubbing out the cigarette on her palm without showing any pain at all.
“What?” The slayer shook her head, annoyed. “Seriously…You’re four hundred years old, you’re powerful, beautiful and immortal, right? Ok, your boy is good, but the world is full of men, darling…there’s…Hey, there’s Lindsey, right?” She pointed at Darla, with a know-it-all expression. “That ambitious lawyer all dressed in Armani who works for Wolfram and Hart…he drools over you. And I think you fucked him a few times, didn’t you? He’s pretty sexy…well, turn him! Then you’ll have a new toy. It’s so easy.”
She stood up suddenly, revealing her half-naked body, and paused suggestively in front of the bed. “Trust me, you can find ten thousand other guys like your dear boy”.
Darla laughed, surprising her. Sometimes, behind the cold blue of her eyes, you could see a softer shade of blue, a sort of secret vulnerability; but, unfortunately, it disappeared all too soon. And afterwards, you thought it had been just a dream.
“Oh, shut up…you don’t know him…” she whispered, thinking about the past. “You should have seen us together…we were a plague. A curse. A wild pestilence.” She smiled, opening her arms. “And it was wonderful. He, Angelus was wonderful…and he still is”. She knelt on the bed, shaking like someone in a fever, and took Faith by her naked hips, burying her face in the other’s breasts. “You can’t imagine how it feels to be completely possessed by him…Completely, I mean, you little girl…Angelus is like a cruel punishment you want to have again and again and again…” She fell back on the bed, laughing again. “But how could you understand that?” she teased. “Go away. I must think. Go away”.
Faith obeyed and she went to her room, playing with the belt of her bathrobe.
Right, she couldn’t possibly know anything about that.
Not enough, anyway…and the famous Angelus begun to arouse her curiosity. Maybe she should observe him from close up.

Twilight: time for a vampire to wake up. The time that suited him best.
Angelus loved that moment, because he could watch, without risk of getting burned, the sun dipping under the horizon; the colors of the sunset were still visible, and they produced an unexpected and almost metaphysical glow.
He remembered being alone when he fell asleep, but now there was Drusilla’s slim arm curled possessively around his chest. And next to her was Spike, his face inside her black hair, holding her naked back. Angelus was not surprised.
Often it happened that, during the day, like children scared by the light and the noise of the human world, they came into his bed. Of course Drusilla took the initiative, but Spike would soon follow her. It was a kind of quiet, unspoken agreement; everyone took their place: the black goddess in the middle, with the two demonic guardian angels around her.
When they lived with Darla it had rarely happened. She didn’t allow any kind of invasion into her alcove. At least, not to sleep…but Angelus liked that intrusion. Loneliness is cold. Colder if your body is cold too.
He leaned up on his elbow. Spike’s hand had slid down Drusilla’s shoulder, and now it was trapped in Angelus’ little golden chain. He freed Spike’s fingers delicately, standing up carefully, and moved naked and silent to the French door that opened on to the garden.
William had long fingers, a writer’s fingers, he thought, looking up, excited by the stars that began to shine above him. Spike fascinated him in a certain way…he was more alive than a lot of humans, strongly tied to the emotions that had ignited his imagination when he was a poet. He could still believe, hope and dream. And despite all the cynicism and disillusionment he had collected in more than a hundred years of death and massacre, he could still fall in love like a teenager. And what’s more, he was in love with a Slayer…
Angelus went out, stretching, and glanced rapidly at the door of the shed. The night before…he hadn’t got it immediately, he must admit…then he had smelled Buffy.
Down there. And on Spike. Of course…
Was he annoyed?
Angelus touched the claddagh ring he wore on his right hand, the only thing that reminded him of the past. No, he wasn’t annoyed. It made him curious. Everything seemed so…romantic.
He laughed. He wasn’t sure he could love somebody, not in the human way. Maybe he wasn’t even able to do it when he was human…he vaguely remembered a little sister and her lively embraces. And a father who used to beat him. But was his father right or wrong?
Maybe loving somebody just wasn’t my cup of tea, he told himself…he shook his head. It was the effect of the bloody twilight: his thoughts were always twisted and confused, like the colors of the sky, until the night, the hunt, the blood, put everything back the way it should be.
He went back inside and dressed. Dru and Spike were still sleeping, cuddled up to each other. Angelus looked at the blonde vampire, still wearing his long black coat. That’s all right, William…everyone plays his role, in this world. You’re the gentleman. And I am…
Here comes the darkness, at last. He plunged into it, as if it was a river.
Well, I…I’m the bad boy.

Two o’clock in the morning: the most probable time for a vampire to meet a slayer. Or vice versa. Also, to be honest, Angelus wasn’t thinking about the slayer; to be more precise, he wasn’t thinking about either of the two slayers. He was quite calm. He was feeling good, motivated, full and sure. And there was a gentle scent in the air; spring was coming slowly.
But peace didn’t last for long on the Hellmouth…he grabbed the person who was waiting for him, hidden behind a corner of a funerary chapel, taking her stake and throwing her on to the ground.
Faith lay supine, her dark hair covering her amazed face, and he shook his finger at her reproachfully.
“You’re Faith, right? Well, you are not so good…you’ve watched too many TV series where the police break in with guns in their hands…you have to keep your weapon against your chest, otherwise the risk is that somebody will take it before you can use it”. He showed her the stake and then crushed it in his fist. “Oops…I broke it…”
She rose and in a second stood in front of him, her leg muscles tensed ready to start. “What a nice lesson…Do I have to pay, or is it free?”
What a brave girl, Angelus thought. “Ok Faithy…What shall we do? Fight like little schoolmates? Try to get to the point quickly. I don’t want to get angry with you”.
Faith stayed on guard as she looked him up and down. This vampire was certainly one of the most beautiful she had ever seen…and now she could understand why Darla was so fond of him. And B. too. It was a kind of obscure vibration he gave off, and if you came too close you were sucked in, trapped. She could already feel it on her skin, looking for the way to her blood. Why not?
Just let it poison you, she thought, it could be the greatest sexual experience in my life…and everyone says that a slayer’s life is too short.
She was fast. She knocked him down and was on him in a minute, opening his dark red shirt.
“They can fuck me once, darling, but not twice…” she threatened him, taking another stake from the back of her jeans and pointing it at his naked chest.
Underneath her, Angelus regarded her with a scientific curiosity. “So? I’ve asked you to get to the point…what is it?”
The slayer was moving sensually on his stomach. Ah, there it was…the point… “Everyone says a lot of things about you, Scourge…Darla comes just calling your name, and B…I thought she would kill me when I told her I wanted to fuck you…”
The vampire’s curiosity became interest. He put his hands on her hips and then slid them up under her leather top, on to her breasts. “Do you want to fuck me, or do you want me to fuck you? Because, I assure you, there’s a big difference…”
Faith’s eyes widened. She forgot the stake and crouched over him. “Fifty-fifty, is that all right?” And instead of kissing him she was almost biting him, pushing into his mouth frantically, like someone who is used to taking what they want, without asking for it. She felt the vampire’s hands on her buttocks, pushing her down against him, and, excited, she kissed him more strongly, trying to get their trousers undone at the same time.
She didn’t understand immediately what had happened…she was some distance away from him, she felt dizzy, her hair was disheveled and her mouth hurt and tasted of blood. Angelus was standing up quietly, buttoning his shirt. “Faithy, Faithy…again, you’re not too good…If that’s your idea of the art of seduction, you’ve a lot to learn…the steamroller style may work with the spotty teenagers of this lousy town…but it doesn’t work with me” He took the stake from the ground and crumbled it as he had with the other. “Look for me with serious intentions, or keep away from me. I graduated from kindergarten a long, long time ago”. He smiled deviously at her and walked slowly away between the tombs.
Faith stood there for a long time, following him with her eyes. She had only one thought in her mind, together with the furious sound of her heartbeat. Oh, yeah vampire, I’ll look for you…
I will come, and my intentions will be serious…

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