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Time Travel possibly season 1 or 2?

Author alliealana
#1 | Posted: 11 Nov 2018 02:35 
I've been looking for a fic for forever! It is either time travel or Buffy gets her memories of all the future events in Season 1 or 2. She decides to arrange for Brian to meet her mom and he works for a publishing company (she meets him by pretending to be interested in an internship or interviewing him or something). When the job fair happens she doesn't care about her score as she knows she will work with him doing publishing. I don't remember anything else but I would love to find it just to make my crazy mind stop obsessing over it!

Author ForgottenYogurt
#2 | Posted: 13 Nov 2018 03:38 
I recognize this but for the life of me I cannot remember what fic it is!

I've posted over at Elysian Fields about it to see if anyone there knows it. It's going to bug me until I figure it out!

Author alliealana
#3 | Posted: 16 Nov 2018 00:31 
Thanks so much. I'm on there too I just forgot to post about it there! It has literally been bothering me on and off for years. I was starting to think I made it up so at least someone else remembers it! Thanks!!

Author girlie_mel
#4 | Posted: 5 Jan 2019 20:08 
I saw this a few days ago and I just happened to be rereading fics now and found this one
It's called

If I knew then by foolforspuffy.

At least I think it's this one?

Sorry no it isn't I just read it properly and it is not the one

Author 3Spikegirl
#5 | Posted: 30 Sep 2019 22:45 

Author nmcil

#6 | Posted: 4 Sep 2020 03:22 
Wish I could remember the author - it's a great story hope we can find the title and author.

Author Hannora

#7 | Posted: 29 Aug 2022 10:51 
I was very intrigued by this fic because I simply adore time-travel stories. So I looked for it but I came empty handed.

I'm reading «Memories of another life» by Mia Vaan and I'm pretty sure it's the fic alliealana was looking for.
It was on Elysian Fields but Mia took it down a few years back and kindly shared it with me recently.

In the Halloween episode of S02 Buffy gets a geek costume a gains memories for the entire show. In chapter 2 Buffy seeks Brian to set him up with her mom.

I hope alliealana is still around 'cause Mia gave me permission to share this story. *fingers crossed*

Author Patt
#8 | Posted: 29 Dec 2023 10:16 

Hi is it ok to provide my email to get a copy of the Memories of another life by Mia Vaan fanfiction?

Thanks you.

Author Hannora

#9 | Posted: 29 Dec 2023 11:54 
Hi, sure, send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you a copy.

Here's the official summary of 'Memories of another life' by Mia Vaan in case anyone else is interested.

Summary: On that fateful Halloween night back in season 2, Buffy decides to dress up as a geek — a geek who exists in the real world, with knowledge of everything that'll happen to Buffy and her friends. So when the spell is been and gone, Buffy is left with that painful knowledge. Will it break her, or give her the chance to live her life with no mistakes?

Author janab
#10 | Posted: 2 Jan 2024 21:04 
Hi Hannora can I send you me email address to get a copy of the Memories of another life by Mia Vaan fanfiction?

Thanks you very much.

Author Hannora

#11 | Posted: 2 Jan 2024 21:11 
Hi jana, of course you can.

If anyone else is interested, don't hesitate to send me a PM directly.

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 Time Travel possibly season 1 or 2?

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