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4183 Stories
997 Authors
4482 Members

Newest member: dophnyxD

Guests: 18

Shout Box
12/08/23 10:15 pm
Thank you nmcil :)
12/03/23 05:03 am
Congratulations and Thank You for all the years of your wonderful site.
10/26/23 05:23 pm
Also, the search link is in the menu on other Skins. I will add it to this one ASAP
10/26/23 05:12 pm
Can add /search.php to url. I will add it to menu as soon as I can
Shout Archive

Featured Stories
Out of the Ashes by Revello_1620
Summary: What if it wasn't Angel who left S3? Feeling lost Buffy heads off to find who...
Rated: NC-17 Liked
Categories: General NC-17 Fics
Characters: None

Site News
We've Moved!
Hey All,

As I am sure y'all noticed the site has been down for a few days. Sorry about that. We ran out of space on the old server, this website has grown so much in 20+ years. Also, I had been putting off moving to a new server because if it ain't broke and all that jazz :)

Well, it became mandatory to move and so we have. Please let me know if anything is not working for you or seems off. You can use the use the contact page in my profile:

I appreciate you guys making me aware that the site was down and for me patient as my host worked on resolving the problem. I am praying and crossing all fingers and toes that nothing is broken but I don't have the best of luck in these kinds of situation so we'll see.

Thanks :)

--Pari on 10/01/2024 - 10:35 am
I just realized that April 29th, 2023 was the 20th anniversary of this version of The Spuffy Realm. A different version of the website ran using a different script for a while before I migrated everything to this now popular efiction script (which I helped in coding). On the older website I hadn't bothered with marking the launch date, so technically the realm has been up longer than 20 years, but for this iteration, it's been 20. So, we'll go with that.


--Pari on 05/08/2023 - 09:09 am
Older News: News Archive
Most Recent
The Monster You Made Me by DaniellaWidget
[Reviews - 0]
Summary: William and Buffy were the bestest of friends, that was until she moved to Cleveland.After...
Rated: AO-AdultsOnly
Categories: General Fics

Main Categories
Spuffy Fantasy/AU [1465]
Fics have Spike and Buffy out of canon; Spike is human, Buffy's a vamp, they're both humans..basically anything non-canon.
Spuffy Hardcore/Smut [792]
All fics that have 'very' graphic sexual scenes and language. Mainly for Adults Only!
Challenges [40]
This is where you post the challenges.
Spuffy International [66]
This is where you post fics written in a language 'other than' English.
Crossovers [51]
Cross the Buffy fandom with another.
Plagiarism [11]
Post about Plagiarism, authors who commit it and the stories.
Spuffy General/Canon [1809]
Stories pretty much of the Buffyverse; Mainly Buffy's the Slayer and Spike's a Vamp, as they are in the series.