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Spuffy & Scoobies living in Cleveland & raise Faiths kids plus have lots of their own kids....

Author Amber

#1 | Posted: 2 Oct 2020 20:24 
Spuffy & the Scoobies live in a big house in Cleveland across the street from a cemetery. Their kids come from the future for a time, and then Buffys upset she’s not pregnant. Faith & Robin die, leaving Spuffy to raise their kids. Buffy ends up pregnant from a magic book at a wedding, and keeps having kids.

Thanks for any help with this!

Author Amber

#2 | Posted: 21 Mar 2023 20:45 
I recently thought of this/my request, and went searching again, and Found it! The fanfic I was thinking of is: The Rest of Our Lives by Ariel Dawn. Here's the link to anyone interested: .

Author Hannora

#3 | Posted: 22 Mar 2023 01:48 
Glad you found it Amber!
For those who are interested you can find a completed version of 'Next Life' (third installment in 'The Rest of Our Lives' series after 'Another Life') here. It was posted on the Spuffy Realm and the Bloodshedverse but never finished.

Author Amber

#4 | Posted: 28 Mar 2023 08:31 
Me too, I LOVE that series!!! That's why I was so annoyed I couldn't remember/find it, and then I forgot, until I thought of it again lol.

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 Spuffy & Scoobies living in Cleveland & raise Faiths kids plus have lots of their own kids....

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