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Willow sends a lookalike/avatar to attack Dawn so Buffy will thinks it's Spike

Author Kjiara
#1 | Posted: 26 Jun 2023 07:48 
In search of two fics actually. In the first, Willow sends a lookalike Spike of some sort to attack Dawn. someone, not certain if it was Willow or Spike was meant to pick Dawn up from a friends house, so Willow sends a lookalike instead. Buffy shows up at the Magic Box and Anya somehow alerts her to the problem. Buffy knows it's not Spike because she already knows who he is.

In the second story, Angel and his group are in Sunnydale. They are helping, I think, find a demon. Connor is there and becomes friendly with Dawn. All I can remember is a scene where Connor gets shot by one of Dawns school mates. I also think the demon is eying to avenge its slayed mate, but maybe not. Any and all help would be appreciated.

Author Kjiara
#2 | Posted: 5 Aug 2023 07:37 
Okay, so.... Turns out these are actually the same story.

The Chiaroscuro Series

Feeling a bit dippy, but hey, at least I found it!

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 Willow sends a lookalike/avatar to attack Dawn so Buffy will thinks it's Spike

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