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Looking for 2 Post-Series stories with NFA battle scenes.

Author Hannora

#1 | Posted: 6 Jul 2023 17:43 
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for two completed Post-Series fics read on EF in the last three years.
In the first one the slayer army arrives in a mist, thanks to Willow. Buffy is wearing a hooded cape & Spike doesn't recognise her at first.
In the other one Spike is dusted during the battle saving Buffy & reappears human.
Of course these two scenes could be part of the same fic.

Thank you for your help.

Author Hannora

#2 | Posted: 10 Jul 2023 08:10 
Found one of them, thanks to the search engine. The one with the slayer army arriving in a mist and Buffy wearing a cloak is Sapphire Haze by lilladybug. (On EF too).

Summary: In response to challenge #329 on the Bloodshedverse, from Marika.
«It's the last episode of angel and Angel, Spike, Gunn, and Illyria are the last remaining fighters. As they plunge into battle, Buffy suddenly comes in with an army of slayers. Buffy still doesn't know that Spike's alive.

Still looking for the one where Spike dusts saving Buffy and rematerialises as a human being...

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 Looking for 2 Post-Series stories with NFA battle scenes.

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