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Stomping on Butterflies by Blackoberst

Author g0tik4_
#1 | Posted: 7 Dec 2023 17:53 
Hello, I was wondering if someone has a copy of Stomping on Butterflies by Blackoberst because I can't find it anywhere on the internet anymore. I read it some time ago and I'd like to read it again.

Author flow
#2 | Posted: 14 Dec 2023 21:00 
I think it was on West Of The Storm but sadly the site is down right now. They say it's a server issue and only temporarily.-

Author ethereal_demon
#3 | Posted: 3 Jan 2024 01:06 
You can find it through the way back machine on EF. I've never posted a link here before so I hope it works

Author ethereal_demon
#4 | Posted: 3 Jan 2024 01:20 
About a second after I posted that link it stopped working beyond the chapter page

But it looks like blackoberst just started reposting this fic on The Spuffy Realm. Chapter 1 is up since December 31 2023.

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 Stomping on Butterflies by Blackoberst

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