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Spike wills himself to stop dusting

Author FindingFics
#1 | Posted: 22 Dec 2023 16:41 
Hi all,

I've been going through finding the fics with scenes I read ages ago, but one has me completely stumped. I just remeber one bit of the fic where spike is being dusted and uses willpower or magic (I think it related to Dracula's powers somehow) to stop the process. I'm sure it was spuffy and it may have been part of a series. I don't even remember if I even liked the fic tbh, but the scene sticks out to me and I wanted to give it a re-read.

Does anyone else remember this one?

Author flow
#2 | Posted: 22 Dec 2023 20:26 
I think I vaguely remember a scene like that from anaross' Long Day's Journey. It's on EF and AO3.

I am reading Life Hard by Soulburnt right now and there's a scene where Spike turns into smoke, than back. He refers to it as something Dracula also does. Life Hard is on EF.

Author FindingFics
#3 | Posted: 22 Dec 2023 20:51 
Thanks! I'll check out long day's journey, hopefully that's it.

If you're reading life hard though, I'm amazed you have time to answer questions in a forum. It's great but looooong :p

Author flow
#4 | Posted: 25 Dec 2023 13:51 
Hahaha, you're right, it's long. Usually, when I read fics they are over so fast. It's so comforting to read a fic for once where I know I can read, and read, and read, and there's still a huge chunk waiting for me.

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 Spike wills himself to stop dusting

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