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Wikka Tara fics

Author DaniellaWidget
#1 | Posted: 19 Mar 2024 01:09 
Hiya, I'm looking for two fics by Wikka Tara, Pirates Game (22 chapters i believe) and boxer rebellion (unsure if it was ever completed.) They use to be here on tsr, but now only 2 of their fics remain and neither is the one I'm chasing.

Please and thank you!

Author Hannora

#2 | Posted: 19 Mar 2024 08:41 
Hey DaniellaWidget ,
as you'll see here Boxer Rebellion was completed in 2007. Personally, I'd love to find Miss Independent.
Unfortunately these stories are unretrievable through WM...

Author DaniellaWidget
#3 | Posted: 19 Mar 2024 19:32 
H! That is so incredibly depressing to see them possibly lost forever! Not to mention finding out boxer rebellion had an ending I'll never get to know is going to haunt me hahaha

Wikka Tara had some awesome fics

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 Wikka Tara fics

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