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Buffy works at Hooters/Spike might be father of her child/ Not sure because she was raped

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Author Aly
#16 | Posted: 2 Feb 2011 04:52 
Okay here is everything I remember:
Spike and Buffy spend a night together, though they are not a couple, I think it was at or after a party and they might be a firework involved.
Afterwards Spike goes to a lawschool abroad. Buffy gets raped on her way home, from either her cousin or someone she knows pretty well.
Later she works at Hooters or somewhere similar (it could be either in L.A. or Sunnydale, I am really not sure). Spike shows up there with friends from work and Buffy has to serve them. Spike recognizes her.
Buffys daughter Winnifred, she calls her Winnie, is also there and Spike talks to her. She is not so old, around 2 or 3 years.
I believe that Spike wants to talk to Buffy and offers to drive her home, he know pretty fast that Winnie could be his. At their apartment Spike gets concerned because it's a very bad neighborhood and he is scared to leave them there, so he takes them back to his apartment. That's pretty much all I can remember.

Author Guest
#17 | Posted: 8 Feb 2011 19:34 

Author carrot
#18 | Posted: 9 Feb 2011 15:12 
I wracked my brain! I knew I read it. I think it might be here on TSR. I find every possible term to search not only here but googled it too... I am frustrated beyong possible... Hope it will be found someday

Author Guest
#19 | Posted: 10 Feb 2011 15:04 
I know what you mean, I have strained my brain trying to find this fic. I agree that it may be here on TSR, I'm pretty sure I remember reading it here and I googled it too!! I worry that the author may have removed it for some reason or another. I never have any luck with the wayback machine... pehaps someone else will try?!?

Author lunna798
#20 | Posted: 10 Feb 2011 17:58 
wbm only works if you have a web address that no longer works. sadly, it cant be used as a text search

Author Guest
#21 | Posted: 11 Feb 2011 08:29 

Most of the time when I use the wbm it will take me to the site but then when I try to get to a fic it can't be found in the archive or some of the chapters can't be found. The most recent fic I was reading has the last six of forty chapters missing.

Author Guest
#22 | Posted: 11 Feb 2011 09:22 
I tottaly with you on worry of the fic being taken off. I am not THAT long in the fandom (3 years or so) but it happen to fics I love or like more then once. It even worst if person don't give any explanation (like taken it for re-write or taken it off to publish as original work) but deleting accound silently...


Author lunna798
#23 | Posted: 11 Feb 2011 11:43 

The WBM can be very frustrating. Sometimes you need to go to other saved dates for the site and there will be additonal pages. Sometimes if you go back to the first version of the site there are even fics that arent on newer ones. If you get a data retrieval message I suggest trying again at a later time. sometimes it can get to it later but there are times when it doenst ahve a copy at all and that can be annoying.

but i think the previous poster was suggesting a text search since no one has come up with a name or a site and WBM cant do that so that is why I posted my reply

Author Guest
#24 | Posted: 11 Feb 2011 12:33 

Thanks for your suggestions on the wbm. I won't give up on it - the search for fanfics in the Spuffyverse are worth any and all trouble we go through for them aren't they?!!

Author cordykitten

#25 | Posted: 17 Feb 2011 18:41 
Don't you hate it (as a reader) when a story is taken down!?

That's why I couldn't found it. It's from ca. August 2007 php?uid=492
(Link lets you only view the summary, I can't get the WBM work with TSR.)

High Tide by DevilishGurl0222
Summary: Buffy Anne Summers and William 'Spike' Giles were friends in high school but he left for college to Notre Dame while she stayed at UC Sunnydale. He would come to visit every so often but something happened and they lost touch. It has been 4 years since they've last seen each other and Buffy has moved to L.A. What will happen when they cross paths again unexpectedly he's a big shot corporate lawyer and she's a waitress at Hooters? And what happens when William gets the surprise of his life? (there's more to it but i might give too much away)

It was WIP. If you're curious, try to contact the author - (There is a DevilishGurl0222 @ Fanfiction net but I don't know if they are the same, the story isn't there.

Author Guest
#26 | Posted: 18 Feb 2011 03:59 

I gave up on this one


Author Guest
#27 | Posted: 18 Feb 2011 09:19 

I agree with Carrot you are the absolute best!! Thanks for finding this one for us!!!

Author cordykitten

#28 | Posted: 18 Feb 2011 12:04 
You're welcome

It was bothering me too that I couldn't remember it because I've read it here and didn't remember seeing an update in quite some time. And if I don't have stories added to favors I forget how they are called if they aren't updated for over a year. *sigh* (Besides that I think the title vanish from the favorite list if they are taken down.

Too bad it's gone (and worse that it won't be finished).

Author Melly
#29 | Posted: 18 Feb 2011 13:24 
I've sent a request to the author to allow me to share chapters 1-10 that I have in my archives.

Author gopher101
#30 | Posted: 18 Feb 2011 15:55 
There's an author with the same penname at, but no story for High Tide. So don't know if that can help someone or not.

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 Buffy works at Hooters/Spike might be father of her child/ Not sure because she was raped

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