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Spike with another slayer (Carlota)

Author carrot
#1 | Posted: 3 Apr 2010 17:17 
OK. I know I read it here. Actually I re-read it few times but was stupid enough not to add it to favorites. Now then "search full text" option is gone I am doomed. It's set after both series ended. Angel shansued and he lives with Buffy, Spike lives in Brazilian jungle (or the likes) with slayer named Carlotta (Lotta) not sure about amount of 't' in her name. Some mystical disease is killing potentials so they came at Giles or Xander to request to help. I remember gang finding out Spike doesn't have soul (he gave it up so Angel could have his shanshu) and Lotta schemes with Willow her turning - then her blood will help to heal those potentials and slayers who are sick. That decision drives stake between Willow and Kennedy for a while. Lotta freeing herself and runs away. Spike follows her cause he thinks its his responsibility. Spike and Buffy spends the night together before he leave. Buffy go into series of one nightstands and then settling and gaining some weight. And I remember vividly phase "spike shaped hole in her life". Ok I know many of you know that story so I'll stop with my bad english and will wait patiently.

thanks ahead!

Author Pari

#2 | Posted: 3 Apr 2010 17:31 
Is this a 'Spuffy' story, because it sounds more like Spike/other and Bangel. Those aren't found here. Also as a rule the only stories that can be searched for here are 'Spuffy'.

Author carrot
#3 | Posted: 3 Apr 2010 17:36 
No-no it's Spuffy, Pari. And it was here. Buffy loving Spike all along. Angle knew she slip from bad every night. She dosnt like Angel's warmth and she misses Spike. She extrimely jealouse of Carlot(t)a and at the end Spike did came back to Buffy and they stay together. Its just very angsty Spuffy.

Author kamw30
#4 | Posted: 3 Apr 2010 17:43 
Yes, it's definitely a Spuffy story. It's called Prophecy and Warmth by The Bear or sometimes the Lottie Bear. It's one of my favourites. Love her stories.

Author carrot
#5 | Posted: 3 Apr 2010 17:45 
You are an angel, kamw30! thanks!!!

Author Pari

#6 | Posted: 3 Apr 2010 17:59 
And I was just about to post the link for you but someone beat me to it, Hot damn I love how you guys keep this forum lit up with the very quick replies. BTW I just did a search (in yahoo) 'Spuffy fics: Spike is in Brazilian Jungle' it was the first to pop up

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 Spike with another slayer (Carlota)

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