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buffy saw hank cheat on joyce and forget it

Author benesmg
#1 | Posted: 1 Aug 2011 11:45 
Don't remember if it was canon or AU
Just that in the end buffy remember that when she was young she saw hank cheat on joyce in the kitchen
I think it's a "Normal again" fic and that why she looses her mind...

Author coalitiongirl
#2 | Posted: 2 Aug 2011 00:42 
Sounds like Even in the Real World by flibble.
What if the events of 'Normal Again' did happen and Sunnydale, and everyone in it, was just a figment of Buffy's unstable imagination. What will happen when she comes back to the 'real world'?

Author benesmg
#3 | Posted: 2 Aug 2011 04:28 
Yes that's the one thanks

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 buffy saw hank cheat on joyce and forget it

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