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Spike in San Francisco

Author kamw30
#1 | Posted: 16 Mar 2010 06:12 
It's post NFA and Buffy goes to San Francisco for no good reason. Snappy dialogue and I recall Dawn is horrified by the reunion. I think it is in a number of parts. Possibly a WIP.

Author kamw30
#2 | Posted: 27 Mar 2010 23:49 
Right, I've obviously given too little detail. I should have added Spike was already there and he is essentially hiding from everyone including Buffy. I don't recall what was going on in Buffy's life but she decides to move there despite Spike discouraging her. I liked it because it's one of the few where Dawn is really negative about reunion. I thought it was The DeadlyHook. I also recall a flat where Spike has nothing but a mattress. I know this is vague.

Author SMac
#3 | Posted: 28 Mar 2010 23:49 
My Life Closed Twice by Anaross has a shanshued Spike in Southern Oregon (which could be mistaken for SF if you aren't paying attention closely) and is full of witty repartee and poetry and Buffy moves into a house next to Spike and has nothing pretty much but a mattress she sleeps on. She is persistent and Spike pretty much discourages her, has his own life as a poetry professor now, and has moved on with his life but Buffy won't take no for an answer. It's one of my favorite spuffy stories and very well written. Does this sound anything like what you are looking for?

Author kamw30
#4 | Posted: 1 Apr 2010 00:47 
Thanks for that, but it's not Anaross story. I do love that fic tho.

I fear what I'm looking for is too obscure.

Author Guest
#5 | Posted: 2 Apr 2010 07:01 
Could it be A Dying Dream by euro_fics? Its on lj but its a WIP sadly.

Summary: A decade after closing the Hellmouth and doin' time in Hell, Spike is living alone in San Francisco when he encounters Buffy unexpectedly. At a loss of what to do with themselves in a nearly demonless world filled with superslayers, they try to rebuild a life together. Unfortunately, not all of their demons have been laid to rest--not the ones within nor without. This is AU for Angel S5. S5 had not aired yet when I began writing this after BtVS closed its doors at the conclusion of S7. Is this 'verse, Spike went to hell after closing the hellmouth. Hope that clears up the confusion.


Author SMac
#6 | Posted: 2 Apr 2010 11:13 

Author Guest
#7 | Posted: 2 Apr 2010 16:11 
so 19th chapter is the end? hm...


Author coalitiongirl
#8 | Posted: 2 Apr 2010 16:15 
Here's her note on LJ for Chapter 19:

Here's a fic I dropped like a rock ages ago, many apologies. It was largely due to illness, which I am now on the mend with. Now that I've been sucked back into vampiredom thanks to Moonlight, some of my new readers are nosing through my old Buffy stuff and asking that I resurrect some of my dropped vamp plots. I did have most of this story finished back in the day, so here's my best effort at completing it. It has about six more chapters to go.

Author kamw30
#9 | Posted: 2 Apr 2010 17:59 

Thanks to all of you. It's been driving me mad. (Still a WIP tho - darn!)

Author SMac
#10 | Posted: 2 Apr 2010 19:33 
More is good... if more comes. Fingers crossed then.

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 Spike in San Francisco

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