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Stories by Enchantress

Author carrot
#1 | Posted: 7 Jun 2010 06:23 
Does anyone know what had happen to her stories. Did she took all of them off?! Her story "The Special Two" was one of my favorite!!! And now site says 'Access denied. This story has not been validated by the adminstrators of this site.'

Ooooooooooook I checked other archives and only place I found her works are sinister-attraction but The Special Two unfinished there. Now I have jitters! I love that story to pieces!!!

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 7 Jun 2010 06:50 
I don't think it's actually unfinished there. The place it ends is pretty much an ending. Perhaps the 'unfinished' label was posted in error or posted before the second half was put up and forgot to be taken down. But it just doesn't seem like it's an unfinished fic. Are you aware of something within that would make it so? When I downloaded it for myself I just stuck a 'The End' on it because of where it stopped.

Author carrot
#3 | Posted: 7 Jun 2010 12:29 
Yes you are right about The Special too. But I still wonder why all of suden she took everything off?

Author smokey56
#4 | Posted: 7 Jun 2010 13:19 
It's finished. I have a copy that I saved from TSR and it ends the same way.It says :The End , with thanks to all her reviewers.

Author carrot
#5 | Posted: 7 Jun 2010 14:18 
Yes I got it. I am just blowen away by her taken all her works off. IT were her last week! I liked her other stories too and some of those probably not on SA cause it was gone for a while and back on-line just recently

Author SMac
#6 | Posted: 7 Jun 2010 15:49 

It's at sinister attraction.

Found Fics Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Found Fics /
 Stories by Enchantress

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