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Spuffy AU, Spike embarrasses Buffy at a (college?) party

Author rierie23
#1 | Posted: 15 Feb 2014 11:45 
Hey guys, looking for a Spuffy fic I had read a long time ago. I can only explain one random scene that popped into my head recently, for that is all I can remember.

Spuffy AU, (college?) party scene where Spike is talking to someone about a college class (I want to say philosophy or english lit) Buffy joins the conversation and tries to act like she knows the topic, but Spike ends up embarrassing her.

That is all, I know it is not much. I appreciate any help. Thanks!

Author Spuffygirl
#2 | Posted: 17 Feb 2014 17:29 
I don't know if either of these are what you are looking for but Spuffy don't get along at first in them and they are in college. I just thought I would give it a shot. Even if these aren't what you are looking for they are great stories.

Blue Horizons by kantayra

Summary: All her life Elizabeth has done exactly what everyone expects of her. Now in her first year of college, she discovers the vast possibilities in life. But can she escape the ghosts of her past and find the courage to explore the new paths before her...including the affections of an infuriating young sophomore named William 'Spike' Giles? Complete

That is one of the best Spuffy fics in general I have ever read.

This one is also a huge fave and could possibly be it.

Unlikely Roommates by beasleysmom

Summary: Buffy Summers is finally going to get the opportunity to have the ultimate college experience when her parents agree to let her live on campus. But what will happen when she has an unexpected change of roommates? Complete

Author rierie23
#3 | Posted: 17 Feb 2014 18:44 
Nope not either unfortunately ..but I agree those are great stories! Thank you anyway

Author Spuffygirl
#4 | Posted: 17 Feb 2014 19:00 

Author SMac
#5 | Posted: 18 Feb 2014 01:18 
OMG I remember this one! If I could just remember what it was called...

Author bushi
#6 | Posted: 18 Feb 2014 09:10 
Pride and Prejudice by ripewickedplum?

Author Peyton
#7 | Posted: 18 Feb 2014 13:19 
Here's a link for Pride and Prejudice by RWP, but that one should always come with an EXTREME angst warning, IMO.

Author Spuffygirl
#8 | Posted: 18 Feb 2014 14:16 
It should be more than extreme angst warning. The ending ruined it all for me.

Author rierie23
#9 | Posted: 18 Feb 2014 15:31 

Yes! It is indeed Pride and Prejudice! You would think I would have remembered that, given the fact I have read it numerous times and experienced the extreme angst!

Thank you all for the help!

Author nina1074
#10 | Posted: 18 Feb 2014 17:36 
Spuffygirl I totally agree. This was a punch in the face. Like the end of the Holiday Series by Saber. I stomped around for DAYS after the ending of both of these.

Author Spuffygirl
#11 | Posted: 18 Feb 2014 20:47 
Spuffygirl I totally agree. This was a punch in the face. Like the end of the Holiday Series by Saber. I stomped around for DAYS after the ending of both of these.

I'm glad I don't remember that one.

I see it says ***** on her site.

I didn't look at EF.

Rest of post deleted by mod as a huge spoiler for those who do not wish to be spoiled. Sorry.

Found Fics Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Found Fics /
 Spuffy AU, Spike embarrasses Buffy at a (college?) party

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