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Spike has a "spirit song" sung to him by fairies

Author nmcil

#1 | Posted: 1 May 2014 22:01 
I read this story long time ago - it's one of those where Buffy discovers qualities of Spike that she did not know about or wanted to deny were possible for him. Part of the story is an event when Spike saves either a fairy or an elf from death and later that fairy/elf encounter him in Sunnydale - that is when they have was is essentially a song that describes the quality of his spirit and capacity for love. Needless to say, Buffy and friends are all dumbfounded by the past event and the regard these magical beings have for him.

Since I read this such a long time ago, it has to be one of the earlier writers of Spuffy. I've tried several times to find it on my own without any luck. Hope someone might know this story and can help.

Thanks for any help -

Author nina1074
#2 | Posted: 2 May 2014 06:09 
It kind of sounds like Life After Wartime by Lizzerrrbeathan. It takes place after Spike closes the hellmouth. Buffy and the survivors convene to a farm, where elves arrive and disclose that Spike saved them from Angelus. They sing a lament for Spike which reveals his qualities.

Author nmcil

#3 | Posted: 2 May 2014 23:11 
This sounds like it - Thank you so much - hope she still has her site up. Hopefully it is posted here.

Author SMac
#4 | Posted: 2 May 2014 23:14 
If it's not I have a complete copy I can send to you if you PM me.

Author ScoobyDawn
#5 | Posted: 3 May 2014 11:42 
Life After Wartime (all 16 chapters) plus the sequel Separation Anxiety (which I think is a WIP)

Author nmcil

#6 | Posted: 3 May 2014 17:29 
Thank you both - I always remembered that soul song for Spike but it was mixed up with all the past years of reading all the wonderful stories.

I can't say how HAPPY I am to have found this and to have made my way back to this writer - Such a beautiful use of language - it's demands an emotional connection. I have loved this writer for so long. But, I had not read this story in a long time. I've read the others and sent my "Spuffy Thanks" with a purchase of her original novel - which is on my "to read" list.

I hope that the current readers of Spuffy and the Buffyverse had not forgotten about lizzerbeathan - I wish they would feature this story, or any of her other works on the recommends at the home page.

Author Lou
#7 | Posted: 4 May 2014 03:31 
I couldn't agree with you more, nmcil, they are terrific reads.

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 Spike has a "spirit song" sung to him by fairies

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