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buffy's the slayer but spike's not a vampire

Author benesmg
#1 | Posted: 13 Jun 2010 06:07 
i'm looking for this fic where buffy is the slayer but spike's not a vampire, he is know by the name william and he is a student in sunnydale hight, of course he is in love with buffy
his mother is jenny
buffy don't want to be with him at the beginning because she is afraid that he could be killed because she is the slayer
there is the rewrite of halloween season 2 episode where william choose a vampire costume and he is turn into, then he claims buffy
later he is turn and jenny tell buffy that she dust him
william become spike but can't help looking for buffy because of the claim

i'm sure it is here on TSR but i can't remember the title of the fic or the author

Author Guest
#2 | Posted: 13 Jun 2010 06:40 
is it Everything will be okay by lindsay. It's here on TSR

Author cordykitten

#3 | Posted: 13 Jun 2010 07:19 
Link + Summary

Everything will be okay by lindsay
Summary: Buffy decides to let shy guy William into her life even though its dangerous. Soon enough hes thrown into a world of demons, chaos, magick and love. The two grow close but a sad twist of fate steals William from the slayer, only to bring him back as Spike. Can Buffy see past her own grief for her loss and realise that maybe, just maybe, hes not really gone?

Author benesmg
#4 | Posted: 13 Jun 2010 08:26 
yep it's the one
thank you so much

you're good

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 buffy's the slayer but spike's not a vampire

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