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Buffy Spike Relationship - Angel and Buffy compelled to have sex via extreme ardor spell

Author nmcil

#1 | Posted: 15 Aug 2015 01:16 
Early great story - Spuffy relationship but Angel Buffy compelled to engage in sex. I've tried looking in the found fic but after pages and pages I still can't find one that fits this description.

I'm sure it is very well known - one of the earlier classics.

Spike and Buffy are a couple but a huge problem comes into their lives when a spell creates an extreme sexual ardor between Buffy and Angel. One night, after all the efforts by Scoobs and Buffy - Angel follows her outdoors and finally convinces her to give into the extreme sexual ardor and they have sex. Later when Spike returns to Sunnydale he find clothes in the trash bin that reeks of Buffy-Angel sexual encounter.

Can someone please help me with this one - I've been looking several different ways and in the pages without any success. MUCH appreciate in help.

Author SpikeDDeimos
#2 | Posted: 15 Aug 2015 04:04 
It sounds like Gillian Silverlight's trilogy "Forged In Flames", it is in the second book, you can find it in Elysian Fields.

Author nmcil

#3 | Posted: 15 Aug 2015 19:24 
Thanks Ever SpikeDDeimos - I like this writer very much - it will be good reading her again.


Found Fics Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Found Fics /
 Buffy Spike Relationship - Angel and Buffy compelled to have sex via extreme ardor spell

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