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All Human, Spuffy have to take care of baby after an accident?

Author mlukes21
#1 | Posted: 6 Aug 2016 20:25 
Hi all, looking for a spuffy fic where they become guardians for a baby girl. I believe it was Angel and Drusilla's daughter? and they both pass away in a car accident. I remember Buffy and Spike disliking each other at the wedding.

Sorry that's all I remember!
Thank you for any help in advance!

Author Skipper
#2 | Posted: 7 Aug 2016 03:21 
I haven't read it yet but that matches the summary for Family in Law by shampocommercialhair. You can find it on Elysian Fields.

Author mlukes21
#3 | Posted: 7 Aug 2016 04:01 

Found Fics Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Found Fics /
 All Human, Spuffy have to take care of baby after an accident?

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