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Merry Christmas!!

Author Pari

#1 | Posted: 21 Dec 2010 20:41 
I just had to share this with you, so today UPS delivered some prezzies as he brings the packages in and gets my signature he starts laughing and pulling out his phone and snapping pics, and I'm like what in the I turn and I find my cat 'Oreo' lying/sleeping on one of the branches in the tree . So I had to grab my phone to take some pics.

Oreo Oreo2

Author TammyAsh666

#2 | Posted: 21 Dec 2010 21:21 
Aww, that's so cute. There's just something that cats love about Christmas trees, I'm always finding both of mine laying under it. Yours looks just like my oldest

Author SMac
#3 | Posted: 21 Dec 2010 21:32 
So funny!

Author Pari

#4 | Posted: 21 Dec 2010 21:41 
I had been getting on her because she's destroyed so many ornaments. I come home and there's broken bulbs all over the floor, so I normally would scold her if I find her near the tree, but this was just too cute I just had to leave her alone.

Author SMac
#5 | Posted: 21 Dec 2010 21:44 
One year we had kittens. And I looked over at our tree and there were no less than five tiny kittens on various branches at different levels of the tree. Quite the adventure!

Author TammyAsh666

#6 | Posted: 22 Dec 2010 01:20 
LOL, yeah, when mine was younger, she used to make a habit of climbing the tree. I'm just glad she's too big for that now.

Author Guest
#7 | Posted: 22 Dec 2010 06:20 
beautiful kitty picture! mine were never interested in climbing the tree, just napping under it. beautiful, furry 3-d presents, just for me under the tree!

Author Shardallinee
#8 | Posted: 22 Dec 2010 13:07 
awww! so sweet! Mine loves climbing too..and it's quite a task to catch him sometimes... they'd hold the branches with their paws and claws like life would depend on it
hopefully, he'd stay away from our tree this year

Author lunna798
#9 | Posted: 22 Dec 2010 14:19 
my cat doesnt like to climb the tree. instead he takes a running start a goes sailing across the floor on the tree skirt. good thing i am too lazy to crawl under there and tie it down or he would take the whole tree with him.

Author Guest
#10 | Posted: 22 Dec 2010 14:33 
I see why the UPS guy started snapping pics!
I hang tiny stuffed figures on the lowest branches to distract my cats from climbing. They knock the figures off and bat them around the house. Problem solved! (I think I have ADD cats!)

Author Pari

#11 | Posted: 22 Dec 2010 15:26 
(I think I have ADD cats!)


When I got up this morning there were about 4 bulbs broken, so the 'cuteness' has wore I kept thinking all day that there's just 3 days until Christmas and then it comes down. Well my mother says it suppose to stay up until after New Years, never heard of this before. I plan on keeping the tree up long enough for the fam to stop by my house and get their prezzies and then it'll probably come down Christmas night. I only put it up for my little nephews and nieces, otherwise I wouldn't even bother with a tree or wrapping the

Author TammyAsh666

#12 | Posted: 22 Dec 2010 17:54 
Yeah, it's a thing at our house. The tree goes up after Thanksgiving, and it comes down after New Year's. We figured that was reasonable enough, but some people actually put their tree up before Halloween. That's just not right. Although, if you have ADD cats, I can understand not wanting to keep the tree around for too!

Pari's News Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Pari's News /
 Merry Christmas!!

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