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Rob Sorenson

Author All4Spike
#1 | Posted: 19 Nov 2014 12:07 
Hi there. Does anyone know if Rob Sorenson has left the fandom?

I have just been re-reading his 'Chronicles of Truth' on Soulful Spike and discovered that the final part is still hanging unfinished just at the most tantalising place when they're heading into the big apocalyptic showdown at the end of chapter 35, which I had forgotten. So frustrating!

The story hasn't been updated since 2008, which is why I'm wondering....

Author Peyton
#2 | Posted: 19 Nov 2014 13:30 
There is a comment in the September 2013 dedication of Ironbear's "Another Thing I Hate About You" on dedicating the story to Rob, NWhepcat, and Liz Marcs that mentions "Chronicles of Truth" and begs (or more accurately nags) Rob to finish the story so I assume that, as of about a year ago the story was still not complete.

I don't know anything about whether or not Rob himself is still in fandom, though.

Author All4Spike
#3 | Posted: 19 Nov 2014 17:26 
Thank you, Peyton. It's reassuring that I'm not the only person waiting. It would be more reassuring if Rob had answered....

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 Rob Sorenson

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