Yes. It is. I posted that link to the thread here on the forum where it was first discovered that SA was gone. Sadly, the Slayer Offline Library doesn't seem to last forever. There are already quite a few sites there where sub pages don't work so use that link well and download the stories you want to keep because they won't be there forever. Personally, I'm already up to the "Author D" page.

However, this is all beside the point because the questions I'm asking are: does Cosmicfish have another presence somewhere on the web because I know she wrote more stories than the ones listed at SA? Did she ever have her own web page? Even if it's not still up is it available through the Wayback? Does anyone have copies of stories that are not listed above?
I know for a fact that she wrote more than 7 stories, though, and I'm looking for any way possible to access the missing stories.