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Looking for Humanfic: Older Spike and a younger Buffy

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Author sus
#1 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 15:19 
Don't remember much about this one, only one thing.
Spike is very educated and his friends too. He takes Buffy to a gathering, and she feels outside. They are all a lot older than her, and she can't speak with them. Maybe they were teacher and student. Oh, one more thing, his friends accepted Buffy right away.

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 16:01 
Could it be Sanctuary by Mrs Muir?

Sanctuary by Mrs Muir

Summary: William Nagle III and Alexander Harris have been best friends since the first day they met at Hyperion Preparatory School. Through the years they have always been there for each other, but one of them holds a deadly secret that will affect William's future with Buffy, the woman he loves. Will Buffy be able to hold onto the man she loves or will the secret tear them apart?

Spike is an older (not old) well known author who meets and marries Buffy (much younger and naive) and brings her into his sophisticated world of wealth and fame.

Author sus
#3 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 16:21 
No it isn't the one. If I'm remembering correctly, I found it on an old fan fiction site, years ago, and I never found it again after a computer crash.

Author carrie
#4 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 16:50 

Author carrie
#5 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 17:13 
Could it be "Crave" by Nautibitz? I've read it on Nautibitz website and remember there being a scene like what you described. Buffy is about 20 years younger than Spike in this story. If you haven't read it give it a try!

Summary: Devilish billionaire Spike Pratt is accustomed to getting what he wants -- and what he wants is his beguiling, headstrong new daughter-in-law. Buffy refuses to give in to his relentless advances -- at first. As she learns about the amazing man behind the armor, she can't help but shed her own... But what will happen when she finally digs up his family's buried secrets -- and when her husband discovers hers?

Author sus
#6 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 17:43 
Not that one either.

Author SMac
#7 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 17:51 
Could it be -

Ball and Chain by PaganBaby

Sequel to 'Coming Clean'

Summary: Buffy and Spike take the plunge. Author's Notes: This is the continuation of 'Coming Clean'. This fic is in answer to those of you who wanted the satisfaction of seeing (or reading) the happy couple actually get married.

Author sus
#8 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 18:00 
Thanks but not the one.

Author SMac
#9 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 18:02 
I feel like I'm failing a test...

Author sus
#10 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 18:16 
Sorry about that. Maybe it's because it's so old, that it's hard to find.

Author Cryysis

#11 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 19:06 
I can't remember the name of the fic I'm thinking of, but I know that Spike saved Buffy from getting attacked at the beginning of the story, though I believe something happened to her ankle. What else... Spike's friends were very accepting of Buffy into their group, and I remember a point where they all went to a bar and Faith was a waitress, making moves on Spike and coming down on Buffy. I think Buffy ended up earning Faith's respect by the end of the night, but I could be wrong. Does any of that sound familiar?

Author AMI

#12 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 19:38 

That's Books and Their Covers by Just Tiff

Summary: One night out on the town with her friends,who she hasn't exactly told about her new found poverty,Buffy finds herself abandoned and looking for the bus.She then finds herself dragged into a back alley and on her back.Fortunately, her attacker chose an alley already occupied by a rather bad-ass handsome stranger.

Unfortunately, the stranger's kind- of a jerk.

It's such a good story, but she hasn't updated in a year.

Author Ricajojo
#13 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 20:01 
Is it.... promised by dorians kitten?

Author Guest
#14 | Posted: 12 Nov 2010 20:02 
That sounds like Addie Logan's unfinished fic "Time After Time." You can find it here.

Author victoria2
#15 | Posted: 13 Nov 2010 00:28 
The scene you described with the older William and younger Buffy at the dinner party with his older well educated friends sounds like a chapter from the Mr. William series by pepperlandgirl. Specifically I believe that scene is from the Mr. & Mrs. William set.

It's at her site. Hope that's the one you're looking for.


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 Looking for Humanfic: Older Spike and a younger Buffy

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