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Spike rescues Buffy from Angle

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Author sbell
#1 | Posted: 18 Dec 2010 14:34 
I am looking for a story I read years ago. It wasn't finished in fact it may never have been. I have been trying to find it to see, and have never seen it since. It starts out around season one or two. Angle goes evil and kidnaps Buffy and keeps her locked up by drugging her. He lies to everyone that he hasn't seen her, and has demons paying him to take advantage of her weakness. All is well for him until Spike shows up and finds out what Angel is doing to the Slayer. He gets mad and I think he claims her and kills Angle. That is all I remember. It was starting out to be a pretty good love story between them, but as I said I have not seen it since. Any help would be appreciated.

Author Coednakedslaying
#2 | Posted: 18 Dec 2010 15:04 
Is it this one?

Angelus decides to take Buffy back to the mansion to begin his revenge upon the Slayer who made him feel human. Captive Buffy gets a close-up introduction to this dysfunctional vampiric "family" that gives her new insight into Angel(us) as well as Spike. Will Spike be able to sit back and watch this Slayer he grudgingly respects be destroyed by the same vampire who created the tragic mess that is Dru? Can two enemies, now vulnerable to the greater evil of Angelus, become allies and maybe something more?

Author Coednakedslaying
#3 | Posted: 18 Dec 2010 15:30 
Sorry, I forgot to include the title, From These Seeds by pfeifferpack

Author sbell
#4 | Posted: 18 Dec 2010 17:42 
nope thats not it. i like that story though i have read it before. its simmilar but in the one im looking for is a little different

Author sbell
#5 | Posted: 18 Dec 2010 17:46 
nope not the one theres a good one though.

Author IT
#6 | Posted: 18 Dec 2010 23:42 
Is it the one where after he claims her they leave town, but Buffy asks about never seeing her mum again, so Spike takes her back to SD? Spike gets a house, but the Scoobies are all convinced that Spike is the one responsible for Buffy's injuries, so they magically trap her in her house? Clem acts as a go-between and takes her a kitten? Angel returns, too, and he's got everyone but Joyce convinced that Spike must be dusted.

If this is it, I've been loooking for it recently, too, and can't find it - it's so frustrating!! I'll keep looking, 'cause you're right, it's a excellent fic.

Author Guest
#7 | Posted: 18 Dec 2010 23:45 
ugh i wanna read that now!!! someone please find it!

Author Guest
#8 | Posted: 18 Dec 2010 23:59 
ugh i wanna read that now!!! someone please find it!

Author Coednakedslaying
#9 | Posted: 19 Dec 2010 01:05 
This is along the lines of the original question but she isn't drugged and there aren't other demons. Angelus has her captive and when Spike shows up he makes Spike do stuff to her then they escape and Spuffyness ensues. I've read half and I'm hooked. I don't think it's what you were looking for but it's along those lines and really good.

Please Don't Go by sabershadowkat

Buffy is raped and Spike helps her heal. (Rated NC-17)
Content Warning: Contains issues of rape Post Amends

Author sbell
#10 | Posted: 19 Dec 2010 12:17 
i have read please dont go. its a good story, but not the one im looking for. the one It was talking about looks like ikt could be it. gotta keep looking, atleast i have help now.

Author Guest
#11 | Posted: 19 Dec 2010 15:46 
You may be looking for Prophecies and Fate by zoegrace. It's not online anymore, but I'm sure there is someone out there willing to share. There is another thread about this story on the forum.

Author SMac
#12 | Posted: 19 Dec 2010 16:14 
This is the summary for that story:

Prophesies and Fate By zoegrace

Summary: Also this is VERY AU, and things are happening WAY out of order. Buffy is a senior in high school (18) in this fic, even though it starts off seeming like a Season One fic.

I don't know if it's the fic you want but I have it if you email me through my contact here at TSR.

Author SMac
#13 | Posted: 19 Dec 2010 16:17 
From the first page of the story, if this rings any bells - it is speaking about Angelus:

"He'd been without his soul for a couple of months, waiting for the order to be given that would see that Buffy got what was coming to her. He'd spent countless nights patrolling, killing his own kind, dancing at the Bronze with the slayer and her insipid humans. Every night, just wanting to drain the life from her, and every night knowing it would be his head if he did so, all because of a prophecy."

Author IT
#14 | Posted: 19 Dec 2010 20:10 
Yes, I was thinking of Prophesies and Fate, thanks! No wonder I couldn't find it in my bookmarks. lol I have a copy, too, SMac, thanks for the offer.

sbell, if P & F is the fic you're looking for, and you didn't finish it the first time, you're in for a treat - it's great! Happy reading.

Author SnowWolf
#15 | Posted: 19 Dec 2010 21:35 
This sounds like a great story. Would anyone be willing to send me a copy?

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 Spike rescues Buffy from Angle

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