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Spike rescues Buffy from Angle

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Author sbell
#16 | Posted: 19 Dec 2010 21:38 
im not sure if it is the one i am looking for, but i definatly want to read it. sounds pretty good.

Author SMac
#17 | Posted: 19 Dec 2010 21:54 
I have it if you email me through my contact here at TSR.

Click on my name and email me and I'll send you a copy of it.

Author I_T
#18 | Posted: 20 Dec 2010 02:30 
SnowWolf, you can e-mail me at my contact e-mail through TSR.

Author SMac
#19 | Posted: 20 Dec 2010 19:35 

I have the entire story. The rules don't permit leaving your email address in a thread to have a story emailed to you so please delete your post. You can contact me via clicking on my name here and sending me a message via my contact here at TSR. That will send me an email and I can respond with a copy of the story back to you. Thanks.

Author SMac
#20 | Posted: 21 Dec 2010 21:42 
Re: Prophecies and Fate by zoegrace

Hold on -- I don't have more than twenty eight chapters. I'm not even sure there are more than twenty eight chapters posted on this. I'm sorry, I thought it was a completed story.

If someone wants the story thru chapter twenty eight, I have it. If someone wants beyond chapter twenty eight, a) I don't have that, and b) I'm not sure it was posted beyond that point originally. If anyone else has more of it I'd be thrilled to know though. Thanks.

Author drknit
#21 | Posted: 21 Dec 2010 22:02 
I got a copy from Zoe Grace about a year ago. 28 is definitely the last chapter she wrote.

Author SMac
#22 | Posted: 21 Dec 2010 22:42 
I got a copy from Zoe Grace about a year ago. 28 is definitely the last chapter she wrote.

Thanks, that's good to at least know now.

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Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /
 Spike rescues Buffy from Angle

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