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Looking for a Buffy/Spike + Giles/Joyce fic? Help!!!

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Author vamprys99
#1 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 12:45 
Hi, i'm looking for a fic where Spike and Buffy get together and are living at revello drive. I think Spike saves Buffy and brings her back to the house, but I may have confused that with another fic. Anyway, as Spike and Buffy get closer Giles and Joyce begin dating. I think it takes place in season 2 or 3. Giles cautions Joyce about spike bit she can tell that Spike and Buffy are drawn to each other and there's nothing she can do about it. She lets Spike stay in the basement. There's also a scene where G/J are making out in the kitchen while B/S are getting it on in the basement.

Does anyone know what i'm talking about? help.

Author Coednakedslaying
#2 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 15:39 
I've read a few fics like this in the past, problem is that I don't think this is mentioned in the summaries, so it's hard to do a search unless someone actually remembers the name of it or some other details. Was this the basic plot? Is there anything else you can think of that was in here? Was it an adult rating and was it completed? I'll try searching, but I'm not the best at fic recovery...

Author Spikelissa

#3 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 15:54 
I remember reading a fic very much like vampyrs99 is asking for. I thought I remembered the actual name but after skimming...nope.

It isn't new either. Back in the years story .

As I recall Giles and Joyce aren't technically dating they are rather 'hot' for each other. They skirt around the issue until yes they end up kissing in the kitchen.

Joyce actually sees Spike and Buffy kiss while the others are in the kitchen. She sees the chemistry though Buffy hides it. The kiss was actually a request from Spike and I believe it was to convince Angel/us that they were dating? I'm not too sure if it was season 2 but it was definitely an earlier season. I don't think Buffy was turned. I do however believe she might have been tortured? I thought it was Demon In Me at first...but as I'm skimming the parts I remembered aren't there.

But I do have to agree with Coednakedslaying that there are quite a bit of stories like this. Because if I recall in this story Giles was on Joyce's bad side for doubting her daughter. That's probably why readers haven't jumped in saying ooh oooh I know this!

I know exactly which fic you are looking for but I'm wracking my brain and coming up with a big...nothing.

Author vamprys99
#4 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 15:59 
I read it like two weeks ago, and now I can't find it in my history or remember the name. I keep searching but like you said it's hard to search for. If you or anyone else can remember anything else I can use to search for it, or the title it would be greatly appreciated.

Author Coednakedslaying
#5 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 16:16 
Do you know if it was a challenge response? If Spikelissa is right and they were pretending to be dating at first, there was a challenge prompt for that so maybe you can find it that way.
Oh, also, was there a claim? Maybe it was one of those accidental claims where they're fighting it at first? There are fics where Joyce is cool with the claim and Giles argues it... Let us know if this is at all familiar!

Author vamprys99
#6 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 16:17 
I think it is a claim fic.

Author Spikelissa

#7 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 16:23 
I am an avid reader of claims, the total fantasy where Buffy has a pregnancy or kids with yes I'm giving a big nod to it was a claim!

I know that Joyce and Buffy had a talk about her attraction to Spike or vampires I should say and she might have said to Buffy tell me about Angel? I hope I'm not mixing two fics but I know Joyce was aware of everything about her being a Slayer because Buffy was either missing then rescued or escaped. Spike came around and convinced Buffy they should 'pretend' to date and Spike insisted she had to make it seem believable so they kissed. Spike let go and said I proved my point. Meaning she was a good actress. Joyce saw the whole thing. I believe the curse was then brought up and then that's when Joyce was torn between talking to the vampire she knew was falling for her daughter and her daughter who was torn between wanting Angel back and something with Spike. So she took the stairs and that's when they had their heart to heart and then Joyce asks Buffy to tell her about Angel.

Still looking for it!

Author vamprys99
#8 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 16:25 
That's exactly what happened. It's good to know that I'm not mixing things up. I think that the end of the fic has B/S moving into their own place and Giles moving in with Joyce.

Author vamprys99
#9 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 16:30 
I know this fic well, but it's not what I'm looking for. Dalton isn't in the fic that I'm looking for and Giles and Joyce aren't together in End of the Bloody Line. Thanks, but this isn't it.

Author Spikelissa

#10 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 16:37 
I thought it was that at first too quick I think...argh! Still looking. I could have sworn it was this one.

Be right back checking another story I think it is...I swear stories are coming smack into my brain! This was a series though. So let me check my Word version first rather than go through each story!

Nope not it, but still searching!

Author vamprys99
#11 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 16:40 
Thank You!!! It's driving me nuts, trying to re-find this fic.

Author Spikelissa

#12 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 17:04 
I'll keep trying, hopefully someone remembers!

I need to go make sure my car's windshield isn't ice...I keep trying to remember but every story I go to in hopes that it is finally the one...isn't it. Isn't that always how it goes, lol! Very aggravating!

Please someone remember! I'm trying but my memory isn't coming up with the name!

Author Coednakedslaying
#13 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 17:05 
Still looking too. Let's all save it when we find it! How did the Scoobs react to them? Was it Angel or Angelus in the story? Yes, lots of questions from me, I'm just hoping one of them jogs a memory or something!

Author Spikelissa

#14 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 17:12 
Before I go out into the ice cold weather...I do remember Spike came looking for a truce and then told Buffy his plan which included them being together. Buffy of course balked at this plan and said she couldn't pull that off. So Spike tested her and Joyce watched it happen. She saw the sparkage even though her daughter denied it.

I'm wondering if this is at Sinister Attraction because I looked at EF and here but I'm blanking. Oh well I will try!

Hopefully the bitter cold will help me remember...or

Author Coednakedslaying
#15 | Posted: 27 Dec 2010 17:13 
Okay, then Yes, this IS one I've read... Still looking. Who'dve thought a story could be so elusive???

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 Looking for a Buffy/Spike + Giles/Joyce fic? Help!!!

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