After well, some sleep, I finally came up with a theory with this thread.
Two fics are in question are being squeezed together. The scene I have been talking about
is in The End of the Bloodyline by BSV Projects. So I was correct in that.
Which, Coednakedslaying you are correct in stating it was from Bloodshedverse because this story is ONLY there. However, I do believe there is a short story that had Anya playing matchmaker or something that had this happening? But not in the way this was phrased which is why I believe you are mixing two stories together.
However, there are series' that have Joyce and Giles together. You can check out
The Checkverse by Xela.
Very few of them have them together this early on that I can recall. Normally Joyce and Giles were 'together' in the sense you are talking about later on in the Buffyverse. I know Jackofspikes has them together early on because of Time Travel.
My theory is that two fics are being meshed? BSV Projects story fits all the criteria except for one -- Joyce and Giles.
There is another story but later on that is worth checking out:
Something blue, Something more by OpalOther than that I'm stumped on a fic that has them in the kitchen and Buffy and Spike downstairs in the basement. I think that's what threw me later on when looking. Maybe try Nautibitz especially her series
The Bunnyverse? The other details definitely belong to BSV Projects which coincidentally came from
What's My Line by Bloodshedbaby *Highlight it and you will see the words*
Sorry if this doesn't help, but I truly believe two fics are being put together.