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AU: Spuffy meet pre-series, Buffy goes to SunnyD, Spike follows, they fight & he leaves her there

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Author Bojangles
#1 | Posted: 17 May 2012 16:27 

So yeah, all I can remember from this fic is an image in my head of Buffy standing in the doorway of Spike's apartment and she knows he'd left her there in Sunnydale. I was almost totally convinced it was Sideways by goldenusagi but when I re-read it that scene didn't happen. It's a fic that's very like that one though. Of course, it could end up being a product of my over-active imagination lol, but I'm sure it's a real fic. I'm pretty positive that Spuffy knew each other pre-series and when Buffy goes to Sunnydale, Spike eventually follows her there but they have the usual issues with the whole vamp thing. At one stage they have a fight and he leaves and she goes to his apartment and sees it's empty and breaks down.

That's literally all I can remember and it's driving me insane

Author sallyntmare
#2 | Posted: 19 May 2012 11:57 
Hey Bojangles. This is a real fic. I have read it recently, and I'm just sorry I can't remember. I'll keep looking for you!

Author Bojangles
#3 | Posted: 19 May 2012 12:32 
Phew! I thought I'd maybe dreamed it or something lol. Thank you for looking! Good to know I'm not just making stuff up lol

Author sallyntmare
#4 | Posted: 9 Jul 2012 16:49 
I think I found the fic you're looking for in another thread...

Here's the thread....

Oh, I'm going back to what you wrote originally and this is maybe not it. It is a great read though.

Author Bojangles
#5 | Posted: 11 Jul 2012 13:37 
That's not it, hon. But thanks anyway I'll keep looking for this fic, til the end of time lol.

Author SMac
#6 | Posted: 11 Jul 2012 14:32 
There was a story that had a scene like that but it wasn't pre-series, it was post-series. Spike had shanshued and didn't remember who he was and Buffy found him and got an apartment in his complex. And I don't remember all the details but at one point Spike moved and Buffy went to his apartment and was brokenhearted that he was gone without a word. Does that sound at all like what you're looking for? Could that be the story?

Oh, and I realize that there was something similar in One Glorious Summer where Spike lived in Redondo Beach California and Buffy got an apartment in his complex and then he moved, but the story I was referencing above was a different story and they were not in So Cal in that one. I think they were somewhere closer to mid to northern California in the story I first mentioned. So One Glorious Summer is NOT the story I am talking about.

Does this ring a bell for the one you are looking for?

Author Bojangles
#7 | Posted: 12 Jul 2012 12:47 
I don't think so I'm sure this took place in Sunnydale and Spike was sort of a hidden secret for Buffy. It's why I was so sure it was Sideways, because it was very similar (in my memory at least lol). But thanks anyway I'm sure this will end up being a figment of my imagination lol.

Author Noelle
#8 | Posted: 12 Jul 2012 21:52 
If you want I could post your inquiry on Seeking Spike over on livejournal. It's a livejournal for finding Spike fics (much like this forum). This sounds really interesting, and something I'd definitely wanna read so I'm gonna go on and head over there! I'll let you know if I get any answers.

Author Bojangles
#9 | Posted: 13 Jul 2012 09:40 
Aw, thank you so much! I have a very limited understanding of livejournal lol, so your help is greatly appreciated

I just really hope this is a real fic and not something I just made up or tacked on to Sideways lol.

Author Noelle
#10 | Posted: 15 Jul 2012 11:28 
Unfortunately I haven't gotten any response from the folks over at LJ.

Author rustynail
#11 | Posted: 16 Jul 2012 21:21 
Was it his apartment or an old house by the cemetery that he had fixed up?

Author Bojangles
#12 | Posted: 18 Jul 2012 18:29 
Noelle: Aw, that's okay. Thanks for trying, hon

rustynail: I'm sure it wasn't the crypt, it was an apartment. And in my head, I picture Buffy standing at the top of an outside set of stairs, looking at Spike's open front door into his empty, ransacked flat and she knows he's left. He does come back though, I usually only read happy ending Spuffy so it isn't the end of them. But he does leave Sunnydale for a period of time after they fight.

I really, really hope this isn't a dream or something my brain has made up lol.

Author SMac
#13 | Posted: 18 Jul 2012 18:50 
In the Baby Series by Mrs Muir he lived in a old house he fixed up that abutted the cemetery but I don't think he ever left. It's been a long time since I read that story and it's really really long and I don't think from what I remember that this is the story you are looking for.

In My Life Closed Twice by anaross I think Spike moved without telling Buffy if I recall correctly. He lived in a little house near where Buffy was staying. She had tracked him down and moved near him to pursue him and he was not interested in seeing her again. There may be a scene like that in that story. That is STILL not the story I was thinking of but it is post series. You could check it out. And even if it isn't the one it is indeed one of the best BtVS stories you will find on the 'net. Seriously good story.

Man I hope we figure this one out, it's really bugging me.

Author SMac
#14 | Posted: 18 Jul 2012 19:50 
I haven't read this one but wasn't

Some Cold Lovin', Las Vegas Style by Bloodshedbaby

Summary: A baby fic? You betcha. Total AU, a vampire Spike, a pre-Slayer Buffy, a night in Vegas....Oh the possibilities! Permanent WIP per the notations

where Spike and Buffy met pre-series etc? I have no idea if any other part of this story follows your criteria, but I do remember that I think from my long ago perusal of the story.

(the fact that I haven't read it yet is only a reflection of the fact that I have thousands of stories saved to read and haven't gotten to them all yet, and not a reflection on the nature or quality of any story, in case someone misinterprets my knowing about a story or having it and saying I never read it - I don't want anyone to be misled or any author to feel slighted by me saying I haven't read something yet. It'll take me YEARS to get through all this stuff. )

Author rustynail
#15 | Posted: 18 Jul 2012 22:00 
In the Baby Series by Mrs Muir he lived in a old house he fixed up that abutted the cemetery but I don't think he ever left. It's been a long time since I read that story and it's really really long and I don't think from what I remember that this is the story you are looking for.

That's the one I was thinking about. I reread it -- you're right not it.

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Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /
 AU: Spuffy meet pre-series, Buffy goes to SunnyD, Spike follows, they fight & he leaves her there

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