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Spike sent on journey to find different Buffys

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 12 Jan 2013 03:04 
hi guys, i remember reading a fic ages ago that i know wasn't finished, set in S6 where it is discovered that Buffy didn't come back "whole" from heaven. Features Buffy that's been resurrected and isn't happy. Then another version of Buffy appears and turns out she's the part of her that was in a kind of limbo with memories up to her swan dive off the tower in "the Gift". Then spike has to go to a hell dimension to find another Buffy who has been there for hundreds of years (at least for her). He brings her back, so that makes 3! Then he has to go to a heaven dimension to bring the last piece back.
I think i read this on Fanfiction Net but i'm not sure and it is multiple chapters long but cant really guess at a word count 'coz it's been so long.
Any help would be appreciated. thanx
This has to be the most detailed request I've ever written!!!

Author kenni508
#2 | Posted: 12 Jan 2013 11:13 
OOhh I remember that one but can't remember the name! Hopefully its found - i'd like to read it again!

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 16 Jan 2013 03:19 
yeah,i remember it too. it was really good. Unfortunately this thread doesn't seem to be getting many views so i'm not holding my breath of it being found but i'm hoping the moderators will step in and save us at the last minute with a name!! c'mon spuffy fans, we need help!

Author Dark Heart
#4 | Posted: 4 Mar 2013 12:26 
hi guys, i remember reading a fic ages ago that i know wasn't finished, set in S6 where it is discovered that Buffy didn't come back "whole" from heaven. Features Buffy that's been resurrected and isn't happy. Then another version of Buffy appears and turns out she's the part of her that was in a kind of limbo with memories up to her swan dive off the tower in "the Gift". Then spike has to go to a hell dimension to find another Buffy who has been there for hundreds of years (at least for her). He brings her back, so that makes 3! Then he has to go to a heaven dimension to bring the last piece back.
I think i read this on Fanfiction Net but i'm not sure and it is multiple chapters long but cant really guess at a word count 'coz it's been so long.
Any help would be appreciated. thanx
This has to be the most detailed request I've ever written!!!

I definitely agree that this sounds interesting for a fic and would really like some help in finding it. I apologize if i'm breaking forum rules by posting this, essentially getting two threads for the same fic and if its necessary then please delete this thread. I don't want to upset any moderators as they've always been very helpful and courteous in the past before i signed up to the site. SMac, Passion4Spike, Gopher101, I leave this to your discretion.

Author Dark Heart
#5 | Posted: 4 Mar 2013 12:29 
Dark Heart
Damn, I wanted to start a new thread not just add to the existing one. oh well, live and learn.

Author Pari

#6 | Posted: 1 Dec 2013 06:50 
Anyone know this?

Author Dark Heart
#7 | Posted: 1 Dec 2013 23:32 
Sorry, Pari, I have been looking, no luck so far. I've been going through FF net, as the original poster said that that was where they'd come across it, but it's a big job. I am trying, though!

Author Niamh
#8 | Posted: 2 Dec 2013 12:38 
I think it might be one of Rahirah's -- Barb C's epic Buffyverse saga - that starts with "A Raising in the Sun". I'm not entirely sure which one of hers that is, but it rings kind of familiar. Been a while since I read anything of hers. . .but it's worth a look-see.

You can find it on Elysian Fields, or here -- her personal site.

Good luck.

Author kamw30
#9 | Posted: 3 Dec 2013 04:47 
You're probably thinking of The Lesser of Two Evils/In a Yellow Wood - but that is a story of multiple Buffys (Buffies???) caught in a in a pocket dimension by Wolfram and Hart (via Warren).

Spike doesn't pursue Buffy into different dimensions - he stays in Sunnydale and 'deals' with Warren.

Great story, but.

Author brovic
#10 | Posted: 30 Dec 2019 20:19 

Author janab
#11 | Posted: 31 Dec 2019 12:40 

Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /
 Spike sent on journey to find different Buffys

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