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season 2/3 Scoobies go 100+ years into the future

Author c_heels
#1 | Posted: 27 Sep 2015 15:57 
I remember this one shot I read ages ago where, after season 2/3 Scoobies plus Wesley kill the creature of the week at the golf place (I think, maybe I'm mismatching fics), they somehow get sent 100+ years into the future, where we find out the Scoobies plus Spike, have turned immortal and are only able to be killed by decapitiation. I remember Future!Cordelia was angry at Angel or Oz for chewing on her shoes and asked Past!Willow for help, and Future!Giles mentioned Spike remembering every book on the supernatural, I think, to help Buffy. Oh, and when Spike sees Past!Buffy he freaks and tells Cordelia, because Buffy was killed by some creature feature a few years back, obviously through beheading. That's all I remember, hope someone can find it! Thanks, C x

Author nmcil

#2 | Posted: 2 Nov 2015 04:33 
sounds like an interesting story - wish someone knew the title I would like to read it.

Author brovic
#3 | Posted: 19 Jan 2017 04:24 
I remember this fic... Buffy didn't duck when she was supposed to and had been dead for about 50 years or so... When they return to their time the story jumps to where Buffy remembers to duck I think. I know I read this one on fanfiction. Net but that's all I remember

Author nmcil

#4 | Posted: 2 Oct 2017 05:31 
after all this time I wish someone could help with this one or even better, I wish I knew how to use the "search" efficiently to try and find it.

Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /
 season 2/3 Scoobies go 100+ years into the future

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