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Spike doing trials to save Buffy

Author eldeg07
#1 | Posted: 19 Nov 2017 23:02 
Help...looking for a fic where Spike went to the Oracles to help Buffy. Buffy accepted Spikes help. She and Spike went to the Oracles with Joyce and Dawn. Spike of course won the trials so the butler healed Buffy. Before they leave, the butler type guy healed Joyce without even Joyce or Buffy knowing that Joyce was indeed sick. Then the butler turn to Dawn and remove the Key inside Dawn and made it into a ring. He gave the ring to Spike, but Dawn n Buffy argue who should have the ring. Thats all I remember.

It's not Love is Blind by Avalon or Trials for Joyce. I think Buffy was paralized and thats why Spike wanted to help her.

Author Melly
#2 | Posted: 25 Nov 2017 21:43 

Author eldeg07
#3 | Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:50 
Thanks....but that is not the fic I was looking for. All the Summers girls were there to witness Spike doing the trials. And no one is even aware that Joyce was sick. They were surprise when the valet healed Joyce.

Author ILoveLamp
#4 | Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:32 
I am going to look around for this because I remember that clearly. I think I read it on

Author md4evaoltl
#5 | Posted: 19 Jun 2018 18:42 
I would love to read this one myself, I hope someone can find it soon, especially with my two week vacation coming up and new Spuffy reads are always wanted.

Author Skipper
#6 | Posted: 23 Jun 2018 19:34 
Fly Me to the Moon by Peta (or by Megan, depending on the site). That's definitely the fic described, except for the part about Buffy being paralyzed.

Author Rebcake
#7 | Posted: 31 Aug 2018 21:23 
A lot of these elements are in Sigyn's "Dark Kisses" on EF. It takes awhile to get there, though.

Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /
 Spike doing trials to save Buffy

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