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TT to season 2/3; Buffy kills Angel, Spike gets soul, Buffy takes him to LA,shackled in bathroom?

Author Chrissel
#1 | Posted: 8 Jan 2018 20:03 
I think it was time travel, season 2/3, buffy kills angel, spike gets the soul, knocks him out and takes him to LA with her, where she keeps him shackled in the bathroom....Help please?

Author nmcil

#2 | Posted: 27 Jan 2018 05:24 
another one I wish someone could help us with - I'm going to try the search feature maybe I'll get lucky -

Author Hannora

#3 | Posted: 29 Dec 2023 12:51 
Better late than never, I think it could be 'Becoming' by Mia Vaan.

Summary: Peggy Sue. When Buffy jumped off the tower in self-sacrifice to save her sister and the world, she didn't expect to find herself, moments later, in her seventeen year old body and locked in battle with Angelus.

Buffy sends Angelus in Hell quicker thanks to the time-travel knowledge and Spike gets cursed instead. She has to knock Spike out in order to take him with her to L.A. using his car. She chains him to the sink in the bathroom because he's suicidal.
This story is not available online anymore but I have it. Send me a PM if you're interested.

Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /
 TT to season 2/3; Buffy kills Angel, Spike gets soul, Buffy takes him to LA,shackled in bathroom?

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