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Short story where Buffy and Spike reunite at Dawn's housewarming

Author kamw30
#1 | Posted: 15 Sep 2018 08:26 
It's post everything. Spike has this great conversation with Giles about football then gets Buffy a drink. It's sweet and I can not find it.

Author flow
#2 | Posted: 2 Dec 2018 14:17 
Spike and Giles watch a football match in Dactylgirl`s Boxing Day, but it`s during season 10, so no housewarming party.

There is also a season12 fic by sandy_s titled Finding Her way Back To Him. It takes place at Dawn´s housewarming party in season 12 but there is no talk about Football.


Author kamw30
#3 | Posted: 10 Dec 2018 03:14 
I love Boxing Day... actually I love anything Dactylgirl wrote. That's not it, but re-read is now on the cards.

The second one is lovely, but not it either.

I swore it was the Moonmoth or the person formerly known as Spuffyluvr or Solstice. Unfortunately not them.

Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /
 Short story where Buffy and Spike reunite at Dawn's housewarming

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