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S4, Buffy dreams she's married - posting for Readingismytherapy

Author Chrissel
#1 | Posted: 14 Mar 2019 18:18 
Posting for "Readingismytherapy" on EF

I've been looking for this fic for years, and I was hoping someone could help me out.L looking for a fic that takes place in S4. Buffy asleep and dreams where its the future where she is married, but she can't figure out who her husband is. At the end she realizes its Spike. Ty

Author brovic
#2 | Posted: 31 Jul 2020 20:15 
this may be deciphering by demonica mills.

she goes back and forth between being married to spike and being married to angel. shes not sure which reality is true.----of course the one with Spike is the real one

Author Chrissel
#3 | Posted: 8 Aug 2020 02:15 
Thanks! I’ll ask, but I don’t think that’s it. Deciphering looks like it is Post-series and the story she’s looking for S4 based on this latest update to her request:

“Reposting from Oct .Searching 4 a 1 shot S4 Spuffy. No angst. Buffy is asleep in dorm room & dreams of future where she's married & happy (poss w/kids) but doesn't know who her husband is. Scoobs r in it & accepting of hus. @ end. B realizes hus is Spike. I don't have Live Journal or FB accounts. Ty”

Author Hannora

#4 | Posted: 5 May 2024 08:33 
Hi everyone,

I might have clues for this one but I'm really not sure.
I think Buffy talks to Willow about the dream(s) and decides not to date Riley because he doesn't fit the bill and she might realises the husband is Spike because of how her future husband smells.
Hope this will help. *fingers crossed*

Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /
 S4, Buffy dreams she's married - posting for Readingismytherapy

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