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2 fics maybe Dru leaves/kills self and other Buffy diff costume on Halloween season 2

Author layman8569
#1 | Posted: 19 Mar 2019 00:26 
So I'm looking for 2 fics I think but they may be the same one.
First is a pic were I'm not sure if Dru leaves Spike or she sacrifices herself cause she knows him and Buffy are ment to be. He also stays away from Buffy for a while then starts helping her. Somewhere in there Buffy knows about her n Spike's future too.

Second is during the Halloween episode Buffy gets different costume and transforms into a girl from real world and then tward the end of fic Angel summons her back to fix what she did to Buffy cause she left him. I'm pretty sure the last line of story is girl asking what Joss would think of the timeline now.

P.S. not sure were I read them but it was a while ago. Please help and thanks in advance.

Author layman8569
#2 | Posted: 22 Mar 2019 00:52 
Think one might be called
Memories of Another Life by Mia Vaan
But I can't find it to find out for sure

Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /
 2 fics maybe Dru leaves/kills self and other Buffy diff costume on Halloween season 2

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