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spike raises Dawn

Author illicit smoochies
#1 | Posted: 3 Oct 2021 05:32 
hi, I'm looking for a fix I read between 2007 and 2010 where Buffy has died and Spike has stepped in as Dawn's guardian. they live together platonically and then as Dawn is about to go off to college their relationship changes to romantic. Dies it ring a bell for anyone? thanks in advance!

Author Skipper
#2 | Posted: 9 Oct 2021 21:44 
Does it turn into a Spuffy fic at some point?

However, if it's a Spike/Dawn fic you're looking for, it could be either The Memorable Time In LA by Shadowcat2003 or A Kiss Before Waking by kittyb90. I didn't include links since this is a Spuffy forum, but you can find both over at

Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /
 spike raises Dawn

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