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Spike's demon falls in love with buffy

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Author SMac
#16 | Posted: 20 Jul 2010 16:24 
I found the buffy fic listing for Miranda's site on wayback. Lucky chance.

Here is the link:

Author Guest
#17 | Posted: 20 Jul 2010 16:52 

If you know the name of the fic you are looking for, you can go to BBF's rec list and find some of her stories rec'd there. Sometimes there is a summary and at the very least there is the recommendation explanation which gives some idea of what the fic is about, pairing, rating, etc. It's something at least since Miranda doesn't give much in the way of ratings and summaries on her site. That's where I got the one I am using for '9 Lives' and some others.

Just a thought.

Author SMac
#18 | Posted: 20 Jul 2010 16:53 
That was me, SMac. I don't know why it came out as 'Guest'. Usually the site logs me on if I'm not already. Oh well...

Author SMac
#19 | Posted: 20 Jul 2010 18:51 
I want to point out that when trying to read or copy Miranda's stories you can think you are at the end when in fact it is just the end of that part. It's confusing. By seeing the main fic page I just posted I was able to see that I only had half of one story saved and missed the last part of another. If this helps anyone else out then my work here is done.

Author Spikelissa

#20 | Posted: 20 Jul 2010 19:00 
Thanks for all your help SMac! I saved it to look at it later. Just got home, but very busy!

OT: Found out I'm going to be reading (damn) 10 books in a month! (Never put holds on a crazy amount of books, lol!)

*P.S. I'm checking out Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy Series...(Yes I know so Young Adult, but who cares, right? LOL)**

Author ncatt
#21 | Posted: 24 Jul 2010 22:02 
Could also try Beloved in Blood by Ameeya.
Spike comes back in Lover's Walk and manages to claim Buffy while drunk. Unfortunatly he doesn't have the slightest idea he's done so.

Author Sarra
#22 | Posted: 10 Feb 2011 01:26 

Does anyone have a complete copy of Torches and Flame? Because I found it on an old site, but I just think it's the first ends with Cordelia waking up and that's IT. Is that right? Cause if so SO UPSETTING!



Author lozza312
#23 | Posted: 10 Feb 2011 05:20 

try this link:

it says it's finished at the bottom

Author Lazarus7k
#24 | Posted: 10 Feb 2011 15:38 

Author Sarra
#25 | Posted: 11 Feb 2011 01:59 

I appreciate the try, but the links for each chapter don't work Unfortunate.

Thanks anyway!


Author Lazarus7k
#26 | Posted: 11 Feb 2011 13:29 

Sorry about that... If you goto the following link you will see all the available copies of the main fiction page. You may need to go through several different dates (there are 16 dates shown) to find a good link.*/

P.S. just because one page link in the story is bad, doesn't mean the others are, just try a different date for that one link.

Author lunna798
#27 | Posted: 11 Feb 2011 15:57 
So between the WBM and the link at shadows & dust i've pieced together Torches & old flames.

If anyone wants it contact me through my contact info here on tsr.

Author cordykitten

#28 | Posted: 14 Feb 2011 16:53 
Torches and flames -
Grrr @ WBM - I have all 10 links and they worked before but don't today. I have to go checking.
*edit* I have single links now that work at the moment. But:

This link works, it's the whole story.
Sorry I didn't see this post earlier, would have saved you some work.

Author lunna798
#29 | Posted: 15 Feb 2011 09:51 
Cordy -- from what I see that link only goes to chapter 5?

On her site at WBM there are 5 more chapters to complete the story. The big problem being that on WBM the chapter links dont always work .

Author cordykitten

#30 | Posted: 16 Feb 2011 18:02 
@ Luna - Darn, you're right. The "Fin" at the end to the story fooled me.

Too bad, now I have to google again if I find another link.

Adding the missing chapters - the links worked yesterday and today:

Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

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 Spike's demon falls in love with buffy

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