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Buffy or Spike as a stripper or prostitute

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Author total_geek

#16 | Posted: 3 Oct 2010 22:53 

Author Guest
#17 | Posted: 4 Oct 2010 00:02 
One more for the list: Hell Is in the Details, by spikes_heart. After the fall of Sunnydale, Angel sells a resurrected Spike into forced prostitution. Warning! Not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach. A bloody good read, nonetheless. Lorne is wonderful in this one. And yes, it's eventually Spuffy.

I can't post the link, but you can find it at Elysian Fields .

Author SMac
#18 | Posted: 4 Oct 2010 00:12 

Author SMac
#19 | Posted: 4 Oct 2010 00:26 
Expanding outward a little bit into slave market prostitution, here are some (like the above Hell is in the Details) where that is the primary theme but Spike has been sold into sexual slavery even if he does not remain so for the rest of the story.

Belonging by DreamsofSpike

Summary: Breaks from canon after Season Four...Five years after the Initiative disaster, the world is a very different place, where society in general knows about demons and vampires, and have found ways to dominate them. Buffy is trapped in an unhappy marriage to a man who doesn't seem to want her, trapped in a world that doesn't seem to need her anymore...can an old ally and enemy, sold into her home as a slave, teach her the meaning of freedom?

This one is pretty dark:

The Worst Betrayal by TwilightChild

Summary: Takes place after 'Dead Things'. After the fight in the alley, Spike disappears without a trace. A strange demon makes a truce with the Slayer, bringing news of a slave trade that's popped up right under her nose.

A Spike and Buffy out of canon entirely:

Possession by icemink

Summary: Response to BSV challenge 157. AR When Spike loses in a high stakes poker game he ends up in a demon slave market, where a mysterious human girl purchases him.

Author SMac
#20 | Posted: 10 Oct 2010 06:32 
Buffy works at a strip club for a bit in this one:

Irresistible Temptation by Ashlee &chapter=all

Summary: Previously titled You're My Temptation. When Buffy's mother dies, she's left alone, to be shuffled from one foster home to another. After years of abuse and neglect, she finally gets the courage to run away and ends up still struggling to survive. When a man offers his assistance, in return for working at his shop, she doesn't have any other choice but to take it. And when his son, Spike, enters the picture, Buffy ends up falling for him...but what do you do when you want to be with a person who you don't feel you deserve?

Author SMac
#21 | Posted: 11 Oct 2010 20:54 
Lovely Bunny by Ariadne

Summary: AU. She didn't have a boyfriend. Not that guys didn't want her, she just hadn't found the right one yet... Maybe she had found him now. But why did it feel so wrong then? Maybe because she had found him at a strip club? Allyson honestly didn't know...

It's a WIP though...and I haven't yet read it so I can't say more about it.

Author SMac
#22 | Posted: 12 Oct 2010 05:50 
This is a WIP but it's still very long....

The Forgotten Slayer by Revello_1620

Summary: Buffy Winters had it rough growing up in LA. Now she is a nineteen year old prostitute making her own way through life. Until one night she meets Angel who tells her she's a slayer. Angel knows a lot about slayers since his ex-girlfriend Faith Summers was the one who drowned at the Masters hands to activate the next slayer. Basically Faith has been living the life we saw on BTVS. Joyce is her mother, the Scoobies her friends and she was the one who Angel left to go to LA. The story starts S4 BTVS and S1 AtS, Kendra has been called and died, the only changes are that no-one knows Buffy was called after her. Buffy goes to help Faith and Riley with Adam and ends up sticking around Sunnydale where she meets a certain chipped vamp we all know and love.

Author sweetmelissa12
#23 | Posted: 15 Oct 2010 01:13 
Speaking of slave trade fics, I'm trying to find one where Giles convinces Buffy to get a vamp slave as a body guard, for whatever reason, it's set in the future and is a common practice. She goes to an auction I think and sees Spike there. I remember he had done very poorly with previous owners, to the point that his status or purpose was diminished to love slave. I think Buffy had to have a license for Spike, and he has a file from his previous owners. I can't remember if it was finished, but I really liked it and would love to read it again.


Author SMac
#24 | Posted: 15 Oct 2010 02:38 
Here you go:

Buyer Beware by just sue

Summary: Four years have passed since a certain peroxide blond vampire was last seen in Sunnydale losing the Gem of Amara to the Slayer. Since that time the Initiative has introduced chipped vampires into a form of slavery, available to selected bidders. Weary and disillusioned, Buffy succumbs to her absent Watcher's advice to obtain a vampire bodyguard to help her in the fight against evil.

I haven't found it past chapter eighteen anywhere. If anyone has a version that is further along that'd be great.

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 Buffy or Spike as a stripper or prostitute

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