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AU with slayers and vampires

Author Vix
#1 | Posted: 9 Nov 2010 12:03 
I'm looking for fics that still have slayers and vampires (or just vampires) but don't follow BtVS canon. Oh, and no WIPs, please. Thanks in advance!

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 9 Nov 2010 12:54 
One I really like is

Possession by icemink

Summary: Response to BSV challenge 157. AR When Spike loses in a high stakes poker game he ends up in a demon slave market, where a mysterious human girl purchases him.


Daughter of Prophecy by Ashlee

Summary: What if Buffy was never the Slayer? What if she never lived the life that she was supposed to? In fact, what if Buffy was the child of Angel and Darla? The daughter of two vampires- sent to Sunnydale, when it's discovered that it's safer for her to be away from the dangers her father must face everyday. Growing up away from her family, Elizabeth Angel is known as Buffy Summers. A strong warrior, who starts getting a little too close to the vampire that her father trusted enough to protect her.

Daughter of Darkness by Ashlee

Summary: Sequel to Daughter of Prophecy - A year after the events of the first story, Buffy and Spike move to Los Angeles to begin a new life, intent on stepping up and handling Angel Investigations. But when promises are broken, unavoidable obstacles begin to resurface and boundaries are tested, the other has a decision to make. When you go to the darkest depths of your mind, is the one you love strong enough to pull you back? Or strong enough to let go?

The Difference Between Us by Camille

Summary: Joyce dies when Buffy is seventeen leaving her destitute. She lives alone in a tiny apartment in Silverlake and though she is a strong slayer, she is worn down by her poverty and loss. Spike is a wealthy and powerful master vampire who arrives in LA to destroy the slayer. Once he meets her, however, he realizes that though she is physically a worthy opponent, she must be brought up to her full potential before they can battle to the death.

Can I keep You? by Candyknicks

Summary: Vampire Spike meets runaway Buffy on the streets of Victorian England. He takes her home, fully intending to kill her after he's had his way with her, but finds he can't let her go. Buffy needs a place to hide, but will she stay once she finds out what he is?

Author SMac
#3 | Posted: 9 Nov 2010 13:05 
Here is a link to the titles and synopses of some stories that are out of canon spuffy tales. Many are complete. It may help you find more of what you are looking for.

Unfortunately, other than Possession by icemink, the stories I like best that are truly not BtVS canon or even canon-adjacent are still WIPs. I categorize The Truce by Eternal Red as one of those. A great read, but not finished yet. For anyone who wants to check it out the link is:

The Truce by Eternal_red

Summary: Once in a galaxy, far, far...oh, that's been done. Right then. Humankind has been at war with the Aurelians for decades. When the two sides finally reach the point where negotiation is better than annihilation, a truce is called and a treaty negotiated on the planet currently under dispute. The peace treaty is cemented symbolically by the joining in marriage of the two youngest soldiers present, thereby throwing Buffy and Spike into a relationship that they really, really, don't want. Although not a traditional Vampire versus Slayer scenario, it is close enough to be familiar.

Another that is sadly unfinished is Slave Girl by squawks. It isn't on the internet any more but there are copies of this unfinished story floating around and it is completely not-canon whatsoever. I have a copy of the unfinished story if anyone wants a copy email me through my contact here at TSR.

Author Guest
#4 | Posted: 9 Nov 2010 16:20 
The Rose by coalitiongirl
Summary: The Watchers Academy- where young potential slayers and watchers go to train in demonology, magic, and combat so that they can someday fight vampires, demons, and the forces of evil. There are evil magic professors, a principal with a secret, and an unbreachable wall between the slayers and the watchers. And in the basement, imprisoned vampires scheme and dream of destroying them all...

Sideways by GoldenUsagi
Summary: Alternate reality. Buffy starts as a normal college girl. But her life is slowly turned upside down beginning with the day she's unexpectedly in danger. Hired by chance to protect her is Spike, a vampire with a reputation for doing business with anyone for enough money. She's less than thrilled, but finds herself drawn to him even as she realizes he's more than he seems. But humans aren't the only ones after her, and when she's called as the Slayer, her whole world changes. Things with Spike, who she's discovered some realities about, are no longer as simple as they seemed. But being sent to the Hellmouth and realizing the high death rate of her calling, Buffy hires Spike as backup with the only thing she has left—Slayer blood.

Stolen Innocence by The Enemy of Reality
Far away from home, in a boarding school on the Isles of Scilly, Buffy is trying to find her place in the world. Finding a kindred spirit in a boy named William Pratt, she has no idea of the obstacles they'll have to face. The school is full of dark secrets that could put the students' lives in danger and when a mysterious woman steals William's soul, everything falls apart. Can true love really surpass all?
The story starts out as All Human, but it's not.

**The following story is not complete yet but is regularly updated. It's just way too good not to put in. I'm sorry about it not meeting your specifications, but you won't be disappointed by it.

At Your Service by dampersandspoons
Summary: Buffy Summers, a human girl terrorized by the horrors of the supernatural, has finally been robbed of everything she ever held dear. It is the last straw. In a desperate attempt to save herself and seek justice for the wrongs dealt to her loved ones, Buffy makes a contract with a demon for help and protection. However, this demon isn't ready to be ordered around, having put his own demons to rest long ago and had thought he was free of the obligation. Until now. Will it end up being the terrible mistake everyone warned her against, or will Buffy and Spike come to realize something bigger is at stake?

Happy Reading! All of these stories can be found at Elysian Fields (and various other places too).

Author Shadows babe
#5 | Posted: 9 Nov 2010 21:45 
Here are a few more stories for you:


Summary: Set in the world of the The Wish. Instead of snapping Buffy's neck, the Master keeps her imprisoned so that another Slayer can't be called, and so that he will be free to carry out his plans. In the mean time he's called the last of the Aurelius line, Drusilla and Spike, to help him run his new kingdom in Sunnydale.


Summary: Spike is riding on the subway in New York City, 1977, days after he killed his second Slayer. A curious girl catches his attention, but in her he finds more than simply the night's entertainment.

DESCENT ----By: Goldenusagi

AU. Human Buffy, VAMP SPIKE AND ANGELUS.-- Buffy is abducted by Angelus to be his newest plaything. She hopes Spike might be the lesser of two evils. If he is, it's not by much. Starts when Spike finds a girl tied up in the bathroom, and she pleads with him to be set her free.

LYING EYES ----By: DreamsofSpike

AU post season 2. Anne never happened and Buffy stayed in L.A...until she hears that things aren't going well in Sunnydale. There's a new Big bad running things with a certain blonde vampire at her side. But which side is Spike really on?

And don't miss this 3 part series:

MEET THE PRATTS------by: Verity Watson

Buffy Summers was never called as a Slayer. Instead, she lived a normal girl life until she moved to LA and stumbles across our favorite vampire.

FINDING WILLIAM PRATT---------------by: Verity Watson

Sequel to Meet the Pratts. Buffy's done some growing up and now she's about to stumble across our favorite vampire in a new city.

BEING WILLIAM PRATT -----By: Verity Watson

The 3RD part of series - The tale thus far: There may be slayers in this 'verse, but Buffy isn't one of them. Spike is his fabulous fanged self. They've met twice before, but a lasting relationship hasn't been in the far.

Author Shadows babe
#6 | Posted: 9 Nov 2010 22:07 
almost repeated previous post. Sorry

Author Vix
#7 | Posted: 10 Nov 2010 00:54 
Thank you!

Author The Enemy of Reality
#8 | Posted: 10 Nov 2010 07:35 
One of my favs is In Omne Tempus by Holly. She's a truly brilliant writer.

Summary: For a hundred years, William the Bloody has led a trail of bloodshed and chaos across Europe and the Americas. That all comes to an end when the woman he's devoted his existence to brings his mate to him in the guise of a late-night snack. A small girl with eyes of green and blonde hair. And suddenly, Spike is thrown into a world of color beyond the black and white, and his life is never the same.

Thank you so much to guest who has recced my story Stolen Innocence!! It's actually finished now, so anyone can read without having to wait for updates.

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 AU with slayers and vampires

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