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All human, unpopular Buffy and cool Spike

Author astridsuitcase
#1 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 00:49 
Hi all! It's a bit unconventional canon-wise, but all is possible in all-human fics, right? I love fics like "My Brother's Best Friend" by dampersnspoons and "His Dirty Little Secret" by jamesgirl in which Buffy is an outsider and Spike is part of the in-crowd. Can anyone recommend some more well-written ones?

On a side note, I also love fics like "Meeting William" by Pet and "The More Things Change" by flibble about uncool Buffy AND geeky William. Oh, the cuteness, be still my heart... *g* So any of those fic recs are appeciated too!

(Sorry if this is a double up of a previous rec, I didn't see one but I could have missed it...)

Author Shadows babe
#2 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 05:40 
The Song Remains the Same --- by SMac

Summary: Life can be difficult when you are fifteen years old with a baby and few options. Fortunately Buffy Summers is a resourceful girl. Spuffy. All human AU in Four Parts. It's a high school fic with actual high school coming up in Parts Two thru Four. This is a very long saga and will be completed. It is a WIP but it's a great read. Don't pass it up.

Anything But Ordinary --- by Sweetie

Summary: In the words of Buffy Summers, "We were friends until I was fourteen. Then high school came along, he became gorgeous, and I became a pronounced loser." Yep, this is a high school fic, guys... with a twist. Can enemies, Buffy and Spike, rebuild the friendship they used to know? Will it develop into more?

Smile --- by Vanilla

Summary: Buffy knew it was just silly. Most seventeen-year-old girls had moved far beyond the stages of obsessive, unrequited crushes, had long since stopped signing fake names in their notebooks. But she just couldn't help it.

Author Guest
#3 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 09:42 
The Laws of the School Yard by Wallflower

Summary: >: High school fic. When Spike transfers from England to Sunnydale High he finds himself instantly accepted by the 'popular group', a group who like to make a target out of the most unpopular kids in school. Buffy Summers used to be the most popular girl at school, until one day everything changed, and now she finds herself victim of the people who used to call themselves her best friends. What happens when the new guy, Spike, is forced to take her out on a date as part of his initiation into the popular group? Winner of the Judge's Choice for best fantasy angst at the Spuffy Awards!

Can be found here at the Spuffy Realm

Author Guest
#4 | Posted: 27 Mar 2011 19:23 
Needing Love by Kirst
Summary: Highschool fic Spike has a rich family, popular friends and thinks his life is perfect. Then Buffy Summers enters his life and things work out a lot different than how Spike had expected
High School Outcasts by Pet features Geeky William
Buffy Summers used to be popular back at her old school, but here at Sunnydale High, she's a nobody. Although, she soon discovers that she's not the only outcast in the school.
Both at SR

Author astridsuitcase
#5 | Posted: 29 Mar 2011 03:04 
Thanks all, these are good! Do wish that SMac would finish "The Song"...

Author Guest
#6 | Posted: 29 Mar 2011 15:43 
Do wish that SMac would finish "The Song"..

So do we all...............

Author SMac
#7 | Posted: 29 Mar 2011 17:32 
Hangs head.....

True story: last weekend I was thinking that of all the stories that get mentioned in here almost no one ever recs' mine. Now, it is kinda big and doesn't follow the usual formulas entirely so it often doesn't easily fit the asked for criteria on its face, so I realize that. But it was bugging me last weekend. I was in a depressed mood, natch. And then I came here and the FIRST thing I opened had my story rec'd in it. So thank you for that guys! <<happy>> And I am working on the story, I swear. I just hate to make estimates on posting because I've been so magnificently wrong before and I hate that. But soon. Really. Part two is nearly complete and I really really am looking forward to getting into Part three. The spirit is willing even when the flesh is weak, as they say.

Author Guest
#8 | Posted: 30 Mar 2011 12:47 
I'm just happy you're not giving up on it. =D Some of the best things in life are worth the wait, and your story is fantastic.

Fic Recs Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Recs /
 All human, unpopular Buffy and cool Spike

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