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Buffy/Spike/Angel fics

Author Guest
#1 | Posted: 18 Jun 2011 01:29 
I'm not normally a big fan of Angel, but are there any fic recs you guys can make where the three of them are together? Preferably for a one time thing?

Author SMac
#2 | Posted: 18 Jun 2011 02:44 
Well, not for a one time thing. But I really liked Mrs Muir's story:

Three Hearts Entwined by Mrs. Muir

Summary: An Angel/Buffy/Spike romance. The three are thrown into a relationship by mutual needs but end up deciding this is the best relationship for them when they realize they are in love with the other two. Set after season 3 with canon rearranged to suit the story.

and it's sequel:

Menage a Trois by MrsMuir

Summary: Life changes for the threesome. They have to learn to work together, and love together, as they start a new business and Angel's curse is lifted.

Now, these stories are threesome, but Spike is very central to the relationship, especially given the kinds of problems Angel has with the curse and his darker personality. So if you are a huge spuffy only type person I still think these stories would fit the bill.

Author SMac
#3 | Posted: 18 Jun 2011 02:48 
Breaking a Slayer by Dark Rhiannon

Summary: This is loosely based on BtVS "Who Are You" and "This Year's Girl" with lines from those and from Ats "Sanctuary," and other eps, however, I would call it AU because I've played bloody hell with the timelines. Dawn doesn't exist, Buffy hasn't slept with Riley yet, Spike's feelings are more pronounced, and events happen quite a bit differently than they did in either series. Buffy/Spike/Angel.

This story is a dark ride...

Author DramaQueenLucy

#4 | Posted: 18 Jun 2011 11:31 
This is an old link if you can't get it to work PM me and I'll email you the story if you want it.

Tuesday's Child by Kari Mouke

Summary: Buffy Summers lost everything to the vampire Lothos. Two men came in and picked up the broken girl declaring themselves her guardians. Now it is her senior year at Sunnydale High and more than one person wants to know where she's been the last two years. M/F/M, M/M, M/F, bloodplay, & violence. A/B/S pairing.
Rating: NC17

Button, Button by anaunthe

A depressed and distraught Buffy gets herself into more trouble than she can handle, which works out just fine for Angelus. The challenge is whether Angelus can successfully manipulate people and events in order to get what he wants. But just what is Angelus striving for, and where do Buffy, Spike and Drusilla fit in? Picks up mid-season two sometime after "I Only Have Eyes for You." Answer to a Bloodverse challenge, which wanted Buffy/Spike/Angelus. After a long torturous route, will eventually turn Spuffy. Thanks to OracleHolly for the Beta. **WINNER OF JUDGE'S CHOICE AWARD ROUND THREE AT FANG FETISH AWARDS* * Nominated Round Four* (Thanks) BtVS Season 2Genre: Challenge Response - Rating: NC-17Warning: Torture, , Character Death, Rape (Attempted), Rape, Explicit Sexual Situations, Extreme Violence, Spike/Other, m/m, B/S/A

and lastly an unfished favorite of mine

Fallen Angels by zoegrace [Adults Only]
Set in an alternate season three in which Buffy actually kills Faith, then gives Angel her blood. He turns into Angelus and claims her. They carry on a secret twisted relationship. This WILL be Spuffy. The Spuffy part starts in chapter 2. WARNING: Kinky/Dark Fic. This is different than what I normally write, as in, it isn't subtext, so be warned. Also, it will go from Bangelus to B/S/A to eventual Spuffy-only, so if you absolutely cannot handle any angelus with your spuffy where he's painted as anything but a heartless villain, this probably isn't your story.

Author DramaQueenLucy

#5 | Posted: 18 Jun 2011 11:39 
The Missing Piece by authoressnebula
There's a secret that fate wanted kept secret, and for many years, it was. Until it fell into the right hands of a Slayer who figured it out. As she searches for the missing piece to prove her point, there's a lot of people out there who want her dead because of it. Because this secret is going to change everything.
Categories: Spike/Buffy/Angel(us); Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Group Sex/Threesomes/Moresome, Sexual Situations, Violence

Death in Pairs by vamptastica
Spike and Angelus have been playing games of chance for years, now they want to turn a slayer... but what if she turns them first?

Categories: Alternate Reality, Spike/Buffy/Angel(us); Genres: Action, Drama
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Violence

Mating by Herself
Set Post NFA - Recently I decided that, because i knew it would be very very difficult for me to do, I would attempt a Spike/Buffy/Angel fic in which, as rahirah wished for, we see the way they actually come together in a three-way relationship, rather than it just being a fait accompli. I tried to do a S/B/A thing previously without success, so it's now taken on a tinge similar to that of the Babyfic--the thing that Should Not Work, and which therefore I must try.

Categories: Canon to...Post NFA, Best Threesomes or More, Spike/Buffy/Angel(us); Genres: None
Warnings: Group Sex/Threesomes/Moresome, Sexual Situations

Author Guest
#6 | Posted: 18 Jun 2011 23:25 
Sin Wagon by Laure Alexander.

Author Guest
#7 | Posted: 19 Jun 2011 00:30 
These sound great, thanks!

Author SMac
#8 | Posted: 19 Jun 2011 00:52 
Yes! Link:

Sin Wagon by Laure Alexander

B/S/A, B/S
Summary: This is a series of S/B/A fics set sometime early fourth season. Angel never left and he and Buffy continued their on and off relationship, mostly off. Spike has returned and found a sexually frustrated slayer. This series contains some non-consensual sex, m/m slash, and a lot of BDSM. The title is stolen from The Dixie Chicks.

Author DeepBlueJoy
#9 | Posted: 13 Jan 2013 16:41 
This is my story and it's very much a spuffy story, in spite of the three way (frakking). I'll leave it up to you to decide whether to recommend, but I think it's one of my better efforts.


Sometimes Imperfect is Enough
What starts out as Angel's jealous spitefulness turns into something *quite* different... B/S/A *explicit frakking*

Location: The story is at Twisting the Hellmouth, under my name DeepBlueJoy -- I can't post the URL b/c apparently I have fewer than 10 posts and the site thinks I might be a spammer. Sorry about that. If you read it and like it, please post the URL. I know it's not easy to fine B/S/A stories, particularly ones that are basically spuffy.

Apparently, I can't post the 's' word meaning frakking either... geez...

Author SMac
#10 | Posted: 13 Jan 2013 17:10 

Fic Recs Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Recs /
 Buffy/Spike/Angel fics

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