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BDSM, Alpha dominant male/female, Billionaire/Millionaire (any mixed with baby is a plus)

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Author Spikelissa

#1 | Posted: 27 Jul 2012 11:55 
Sounds like a lot for the subject line! Actually, I've been reading this very type of topic with my Kindle App for published work...BUT some have sounded familiar. Not sure if I read them as Spuffy or another pairing, but Spuffy has been where I've read the most and tons of stories. It's been awhile since I've been here requesting. So I hope that's okay that I roped all those together.

*GASP* And get this I don't care if it's all human either. Yuppers!! I've been reading tons that haven't been supernatural. Let me give you insight to what I'm looking for. If you've read Cherise Sinclair or Maya Banks then you have some idea what I'm hoping for. Except I'm not looking for a full-time slave...those make me shudder. I've read them, but I just think that gives a man way too much power and an opportunity to do whatever he wants...ugh no way. Although, it has been part of a story that gets turned around and an HEA happens. Just as long as it's not a be all and end all, ya know?

The other subject that has fascinated me has been the Billionaire/Millionaire. So, any of those would be awesome to read even mixed in with the whole D/s vibe going on.

Now with all those aspects if there is a baby added to it...great! If it's a secret for instance: got pregnant and was separated for some time, long or short, and found their way back to each other. The guy (Spike/William) is obviously surprised by this. Can be baby or older kid. That would be awesome too! Love drama and conflict based around this subject.

IF this isn't something out there in the Spuffy world...someone please write something like any of these topics...omigod this is something I crave while searching amazon! I hope there is something out there on any of these topics...remember it's like the two authors I suggested. Doesn't have to be the same just have aspects of BDSM, or just D/s, money or even poor to obscenely rich later on, alpha male's or females - dominance/submission types, and eventual babies or kids. If all topics are present - AWESOME! If they aren't that's okay too...just any of these topics with Spuffy would be a great read!

Only thing I ask... and I know I'm not a perfect writer either ... uh ... I read some atrocious things on Amazon that clearly needed to be worked over. I'd like them preferably long. They can be a series or not. If they aren't finished but are written fabulously then I will read it. That's my issue. I understand some errors, but if the story is just telling me and not showing and with grammatical errors I tend to stop reading it or read the end and move on to something else preferably better. Tone of the story is a big VERY big thing for me. If I can't follow the story...I'm sure most are like this ! I recently read this story about a Teacher/college student that was horridly written. It's been since re-worked, but dang it was bad. Just something medium to long, possible series, well-written, and flows with showing not telling the reader. I want to escape into that story and flow with the words...I love doing that! Any suggestions would be awesome...and I hope there are some out there! I haven't read many human Spuffy so I'm definitely considering that. Maybe lots more since I'm considering Supernatural and Human! Any suggestions would be appreciated!!!

Author lunna798
#2 | Posted: 27 Jul 2012 12:20 
The only thing I can think of that comes close to this is Crave by Nautibitz. It is on her LJ and I believe you need to friend it (but i could be wrong)

Author Spikelissa

#3 | Posted: 27 Jul 2012 12:22 

Craptastic I totally forgot about Nauti LOL! Yeah I'm already friended. Thanks a bunch for the reminder! Awesome!

Author mhustler
#4 | Posted: 27 Jul 2012 19:38 
Oh this would be interesting! I like Maya Banks too, just read one of her books and actually visualized Spike/Buffy as te main characters. I'd he same for 50 shades. Would love to see some other stories written like this as well. Love the idea of a rich, alpha male Spike.

Author Spikelissa

#5 | Posted: 27 Jul 2012 19:52 

Thanks! Don't want this to be a message board...but 50's is what got me started on this kick! I had to find better fics. Check out Cherise...she really REALLY does a great job tying in all the characters. I read Maya's Sweet Series.

For 50's I HAD to envision another couple I ship as Christian and Ana (Chollie from Smallville). When I found out it was Twilight fiction I groaned...I thought it was a great idea but terribly written to just glam up Edward and Bella. (sorry not a fan of Kristin or Robert or even the Twi books...couldn't get into them at all.)

But I'd really like to envision my first couple I've ever shipped over the net in this capacity. Crave by Nautific touches some of that ... sadly not exactly what I want though. Something about an alpha male especially in the bedroom...yum! LOL Would love to see if there are stories out there like this. ITA!!!!

Hope there are some out there even if they are human! If not I hope someone writes about any of these topics. I'd be reading in a heartbeat!

Author SMac
#6 | Posted: 27 Jul 2012 20:59 
There are quite a few fics out there like this. Sandara and greyangel wrote a few all human ones but they're not online any more. Sarah Aless writes them in the vamp/human vein. Mrs Muir has a couple that would probably fall into your expectations.

Sandara (which aren't online but contact me through my contact here at TSR and I can send you a copy):

A Castle of a Different Sort by Sandara

Summary: Buffy and Spike get up to some nasty fun at a BDSM castle while hunting a vamp in London.

Lessons of Love By Sandara

Summary: This is a historical romance set in the old south. Spike is a dashing rake that deals in the many nasties of life. Prostitution being one of them. Buffy is the unwanted stepdaughter of a man with a good title. When he first sees Miss Summers, Monsieur Giles decides then and there that she is the one who should grace his arm and give him the outward respectability he needs to function in the New Orleans society, but his means of obtaining her are as unsavory as his other dealings. Will the two find love once their walls of animosity have been broken down and their true hearts revealed?

Beneath the Shadows of Evil by Sandara

Summary: Set in 1500's of Romania. Spike is the known and feared William the Bloody. Wealthy land owner, and heartless Lord, who has a taste for blood and cruelty. Many suspect his true origins. Buffy is a poor Gypsy girl, but her family has much magic in its own right and it is rumored that Buffy will bring those around her great wealth and power when she reaches eighteen. Spike stumbles upon her one night on his land, and decides he must have her for his own. With the magical help of Dru, his sister, he plans to create a son with Buffy. One who will help him rule the earth as he lives out his life of eternity. Will Buffy's innocence shatter the fierceness of Spike's heart and drive the cruelty from him, or will he cast her aside once she gives him what he seeks?

Author SMac
#7 | Posted: 27 Jul 2012 21:06 
Not BDSM but Spike is very Spike in this one and they do visit a club at some point where there is BDSM stuff happening. It's a very different kind of story and I've always loved it.

Buffy's True Love by MrsMuir

Summary: Years after the fall of the Los Angeles Team and believing that Spike is gone, Buffy is about to be married, when Spike realizes he is unable to let her go after all. Together again, they leave behind everything they once knew and try to forge a new life out of the love they once had. WIP

Not BDSM but Spike is very aggressively dominant and he does hit her several times in this story as well as keep her captive but it's an anger thing for him not in a sexual context. It's a long juicy tale with a lot of plot and suspense.

Winters Storm By greyangel

Summay: Angel and Spike are members of a ganster type family ruled over by Masters (in NY) Angel runs the LA branch of the 'family' and after an affair with Buffy he disappears. Masters is furious and is determined to bring his wayward child back to be punished. Spike and Dru are lovers and have been living in NY working for Masters but when Angel vanished he took Drusilla with him...Spike is enraged and seeking revenge...then he discovers Angel's one true love (Buffy) and the perfect revenge is within his grasp...this is a Spike and Buffy hate and revenge turn into lust and desire and finally into trust and love...

Author SMac
#8 | Posted: 27 Jul 2012 21:11 
Sin Wagon By Laure Alexander

Summary: This is a series of S/B/A fics set sometime early fourth season. Angel never left and he and Buffy continued their on and off relationship, mostly off. Spike has returned and found a sexually frustrated slayer. This series contains some non-consensual sex, m/m slash, and a lot of BDSM.

Author SMac
#9 | Posted: 27 Jul 2012 23:15 
Actually there are a lot of Sandara fics that are of the BDSM variety, mostly vamp/slayer Buffy/Spike kinds.

I haven't checked to see if Sandara took her fics down everywhere or not but my suspicion is she did. If I find out otherwise I'll let you know or you can google search yourself. I have all her fics that I know about and can send them to you (except the ones she specifically asked not to be exchanged) if you contact me at my contact here at TSR.

Author Spikelissa

#10 | Posted: 28 Jul 2012 00:31 

I HEART'S You!!!!! You are made of so much awesomeness!!!! I definitely would love Sandara's, especially Beneath the Shadow's of evil. That looks really good! Knew in the back of my mind you would find something!!! Not too sure of the Angel aspects ... but I think I can get past that and envision anyone else as Angel as long as it isn't David. Will be hard considering he played Yeah I gots no love for that man. Don't care for him. I will PM you my email addy. I don't use my old addy anymore. But I did change it recently on TSR to the email I use now. So you will see a PM soon. Thanks so much for this!

Sarah Aless I've heard of her. She is a rather kinky writer if I recall. If you have any of hers I'd love them too. Yeah I want dominant Spike, not pansy Spike. BUT I don't want him overly abusive either ... that might be why I veered from some. IF it's supernatural I get the whole Slayer/vamp thing, but human no powers and hitting... nuh uh that's a big reader killer for me. I've read up on the BDSM's rather thin line and I agree wholeheartedly with it. It's different when someone is asking for it and needing it, than someone who just gives it to you just because they can. The latter I see as abuse. I'll explain off to PM you

Author SMac
#11 | Posted: 28 Jul 2012 01:17 
The thing I liked about Buffy's True Love (and I wish it was completed but still it's a good read) is that Buffy is at a crossroads in her life and not being her true self. And Spike is having none of it and it's really interesting to see him save her in his own inimitable Spike way. He isn't fluffy but he isn't abusive he just won't be all la la la sweetcheeks about her situation. He's definitely in control of the relationship and she has ceded that control to him and he doesn't like it and it makes him difficult to deal with. So that's what is interesting to me. And they do go to a club at one point.

Most of the Sandara and Sarah Aless fics are much more intense physically, but always with more or less of a kink edge to them. Some are all human and some are slayer/vamp. Sarah Aless is still online as far as I know - I think she's here on TSR if I'm not mistaken.

Author Spikelissa

#12 | Posted: 28 Jul 2012 01:25 

Yup I'm totally checking out Sarah's they are still there! Sarah Aless I might PDF them though just in case.

Author SMac
#13 | Posted: 28 Jul 2012 01:37 
The criteria you gave is very confusing at times but I think these fit into the non-BDSM wealthy alpha male section you were asking for:

The Arrangement by jamesgirl

Summary: Five years after the tragic death of her husband, Angel, Buffy Connors (nee Summers) is the mistress of the powerful and sinfully sexy, William 'Spike' Giles. But their red-hot liaisons are nothing but a way of fulfilling their natural sexual needs. Spike needs a woman in his bed, but has an anathema for committed relationships, and after losing the love of her life, Buffy's not looking for any kind of long-term involvement. The arrangement they have works for both of them as neither have any desire to fall in love. So when their feelings start to change, they both cut and run...

Sanctuary by MrsMuir

Summary: Summary: William Nagle and Alexander Harris have been best friends since the first day they met at Hyperion Preparatory School. Through the years they have always been there for each other. But one of them holds a deadly secret that will affect William's future with Buffy, the woman he loves. Will Buffy be able to hold onto the man she loves or will the secret rip them apart? Warnings: Although this story is Spuffy there may undertones of slash and suggestions of emotional attachments outside the Spuffy relationship by either Spike or Buffy.

Make Her Own Way by spufette

Summary: Buffy Summers is the mistress of Spike Giles, the most powerful man in Sunnydale. She loves him, he loves her and all, but he is also a control freak. Buffy wants to make in on her own, somewhat, but Spike is not willing to let her even try. His life, Spike's, concerns Buffy, even though this is a different tale of mistress and lovers. Buffy is trying to be independent, Spike is so not married. It's Buffy that is the one who does not want to marry!

Kidnapped by Her Lord and Master By greyangel

not online, if you want a copy contact me through my contact here at TSR and I'll send it to you.

Summary: All human - Present day – NC17 – Baby fic – Romance. Arrogant, aristocratic and ruthless businessman, Lord William Beauford, tricked naïve Elizabeth Summers into his bed and broke her heart. Eighteen months later William finds her again, but she's no longer the same girl who fell so eagerly into his arms. Yet, there's more than one surprise in store for William while he peruses a hostile and rather reluctant Elizabeth. When she refuses to see things his way, William resorts to kidnapping to win his girl's heart.

Author Lambean
#14 | Posted: 28 Jul 2012 02:06 
There's Kidnapped By Her Lord And Master by Greyangel. Definite rich dominate Spike and kids that he was unaware of. No BDSM

Author Spikelissa

#15 | Posted: 28 Jul 2012 02:09 

Thanks! SMac sent it my way and I'm gonna devour that story!

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 BDSM, Alpha dominant male/female, Billionaire/Millionaire (any mixed with baby is a plus)

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