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Spike meets up with/goes with Buffy to LA after Becoming

Author SpikeSauce163
#1 | Posted: 31 Jul 2013 21:45 
Just read Living Conditions by sweetprincipale and fell in love with it. So I'm looking for more like it--maybe a little more on the fluffy side but anything is fine. THANKS.

Author ScoobyDawn
#2 | Posted: 1 Aug 2013 04:23 
Living Conditions is one of my top faves, brilliant story. I'm not sure I have ever read much like it as such and can't think of any that are LA based (not happy ones anyway!!).

Dreams and Desotos by bloodshedbaby has them setting up their own lives away from Sunnydale.
An alternate end to Becoming where Spike and Buffy leave together and wind up in a small New England town where nobody knows their secret identities. But trouble has a way of finding them...

If it was the living together aspect/dynamic you liked (rather than just post Becoming/LA) you might enjoy these...

Promise of Frost by Eurydice is another I tend to think of as a 'living together' one.
When a snowstorm strands Buffy and Spike, they are forced to turn to each other for strength, especially when a missing Giles, mysterious visitors, and way too much magic threatens to turn it into a not so very merry Christmas.

Down The Road I Go by megan_tam for another 'living together' fic.
A Slayer. A vampire. A 1959 DeSoto. Spike kidnaps Buffy and heads back to Brazil in a misguided attempt to appease Drusilla. What starts out as revenge turns into an experience neither will forget. If they don't kill each other first.

Married? by apckrfan has them setting up house together although it is in Sunnydale.
While Willow's spell was reversed it was not reversed until after Spike and Buffy had eloped. Neither find out right away of their marital status.

Offers you Can't Refuse by sweetprincipale they are off together on a road trip/living together and as it is the same author as Living Conditions their dynamic has a similar tone in this.
Late S.3 AU. Buffy's only way to stay alive and expose a plot by a deranged Quentin Travers involves staying out of Sunnydale and staying one step ahead while Giles finds a way to save her life and get the evidence to stop the corrupt Head of the Council. But who watches the Slayer's back when she's the prey? Someone makes Spike an offer he can't refuse- but not what you'd expect.

Were you aware by the way that there is a short sequel to Living Conditions - Everything And More.

Author ScoobyDawn
#3 | Posted: 1 Aug 2013 17:32 
Some more that are more on the timeline you want (well the first one is kind of)...

Arizona by Jypzrose - Buffy and Spike left together to LA but then lost track for four years but Spike refinds her in Arizona.
Druscilla followed Angel into hell. Buffy did leave, but never went back to Sunnydale, due to an unforeseen circumstance of that day. Now known as Anne, she lives in a small town, outside of Tombstone, Arizona working as a stripper. Spike finds her. What secrets does she have to tell, and can they get beyond the pain of the past to start a future together?.

Lost then Found by spikes kittykat - they don't actually leave together in this one but...
Set after Season 2 episode 22. Buffy has to kill Angel in order to save the world. Unable to deal with her life and being kicked out of her house by her own mother, she runs away to L.A. to get lost in a new life. Meanwhile Spike takes Drusilla and drives away. In time, Spike realizes that Drusilla is no longer interested in being with him since he is haunted by the Slayer's well being. After meeting up with Joyce, Spike is sent to find Buffy. Will Spike find Buffy? What will happen when he does?

Running Away by Sarksilver - they travel more widely in this. Judging by the update date this is probably a permanent WIP.
Set right after season 2. For Buffy, there's nothing left in Sunnydale for her, now that Angel is gone, for Spike, he just needs to get away from what he did. So they both set out on a journey that will no doubt change them both.

Author rachelmcd
#4 | Posted: 1 Aug 2013 20:19 
Out of the Ashes is a great one as well. It's here on SR. It's similar to a after season 2 fic but it's actually after season 3. still very much worth the read!

Author SpikeSauce163
#5 | Posted: 1 Aug 2013 22:16 
Holy cannoli I did not know about the sequel!!! thank you!!!

Author ScoobyDawn
#6 | Posted: 2 Aug 2013 06:50 
Ha, you're welcome, the sequel was only posted earlier this year.

Here's another one where they left together after S2 and built a life together but it isn't LA and is set in Sunnydale when they return to deal with a threat.

The Curse of Immortal Love by midnightjen
Buffy left with Spike at the end of season 2. a curse and a vampire who doesn't know the meaning of no have them back in sunnydale with old friends and new enemies.

Author ladtpeyton
#7 | Posted: 2 Aug 2013 10:19 
It's set in New York, not LA, but there's Let's Get Lost by Herself where Buffy meets up with Spike after Becoming.

She'd gone far far away from Sunnydale. From herself. Her name. Her calling. She didn't want any contact with the old life. Much less him. That pain-in-the-ass vampire. "Spike." She punched at the eyes floating before her; but he ducked and she pitched forward. He caught her before she fell face down in the filth. "What is this?" She wrenched herself free. "Since when do you help?" Set immediately post-season 2. Buffy's run all the way to NY, and encounters a Spike who feels he's made a bad bargain.

Author ScoobyDawn
#8 | Posted: 2 Aug 2013 13:09 
Let's Get Lost is a great fic although I have to say in comparison to Living Conditions it is far darker and not a 'happy' fic I don't think.

Author ladtpeyton
#9 | Posted: 2 Aug 2013 14:20 
I guess I always think of it in terms of Herself's other fics because in comparison to the rest of her body of work, Let's Get Lost is practically schmoop.

Author Hannora

#10 | Posted: 8 Jan 2024 08:46 
And some more: Hello, Darling by Spikelover4ever

Summary: Complete! In this epic romance, Spike and Dru break up just before he's meant to leave Sunnydale after making good on his truce with Buffy. By the time he comes back to take revenge on Angelus, he finds Buffy sobbing on the floor after seemingly killing their mutual enemy. Spike takes pity on the poor girl and helps her find a life outside of Sunnydale after she reveals she no longer has a home there. They travel to L.A., where they find a life of domesticity together that suits them surprisingly well. This story follows a year in their life together as they learn to lean on each other and trust each other through the trials and tribulations of growing up. 

And the sequel What If Love Was Enough?

Summary: Updated! In this double-Spuffy story, season 6 (episode 19, pre-the worst scene), Buffy somehow becomes the unsuspecting victim of an Anya curse (lesson?) where she and Spike are sent to a universe where Buffy and Spike (season 4) are perfectly happy together. Anya claims that she sent them here to work their stuff out as a couple, but Buffy isn't so sure she wants to play along. Will they learn how to set aside their differences and trust each other? Will they finally have their version of a happy ever after? Read on to find out!

Betrayed, Forgotten, Abandoned. by Loup Noir

Summary: In the aftermath of her battle with Angelus, an injured and emotionally shattered Buffy comes to the realisation that she has nothing left: her mother has disowned her, her friends have abandoned her and Angel, soul newly restored, has left her alone as he flees for the scene of his crime. Spike's unlife is left bereft of purpose now that Drusilla is gone, thrown into Hell by his hated grandsire. The two broken souls realise that all they have are each other and desperately cling to the last, fragile connection as they take their leave from Sunnydale.
Perhaps the two mortal enemies can rebuild that which they have lost...

Author Hannora

#11 | Posted: 13 Jan 2024 19:06 
Cruel Summer by scratchmeout
On SAD too.

Summary: Buffy just wanted to be left alone. Enter Spike.
Set the summer between season 2 and 3, in L.A.

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 Spike meets up with/goes with Buffy to LA after Becoming

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