Let it Burn! by Axell
Summary: Her eyes followed the blood. Summers blood. She counted the drops. Ten. Then it stopped.
If Dawn dies, I'm through. I don't want to live in a world if these are the choices. Slowly, her head rose up. Their eyes met. Green and amber. A look passed between them then a nod. Her own voice echoed into her mind. I'm counting on you. To avenge her. Us.
He made a promise. Until dusk will swallow them all.
There're 2 other unfinished stories inspired by the
Dusk challenge by Loup Noir.
Thorns series by Axell. (Less dark than Let It Burn!)
Summary: What will you do, when you lose the last link that was holding you into this world?
Do you give up? Do you fight? Or, you just go through motions?