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Spike does spell to fall out of love with Buffy

Author In Mortal
#1 | Posted: 7 Nov 2023 01:32 
Are there any fics where Spike actually gets the spell done in Entropy to fall out of love with Buffy? Or fics where he has this spell done at any point. I'd also take a spell to forget about Buffy.

Author Hannora

#2 | Posted: 7 Nov 2023 15:05 
Hi, the first one that comes to mind is:

When It Don't Come Easy by Enigmaticblue
On EF and AO3.
Summary: Going rapidly AU during the events of Entropy in BtVS S6, Spike makes a couple of wishes that will change everything. What is Buffy going to do when presented with a very different Spike-who doesn't feel quite the same way about her anymore?

Found this one too:

So You Can Be Free by Thianna
On The Bloodshedverse too.
Summary: Set during Season 6, Seeing Red -- the bathroom scene. What will Spike do to make himself feel better? Goes off Canon after the bathroom scene.

You should check this topic Love removal spell.

Author In Mortal
#3 | Posted: 8 Nov 2023 01:13 

Amazing! Thank you so much!

Fic Recs Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Recs /
 Spike does spell to fall out of love with Buffy

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