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Fics where it's Spike that jumps to close the portal at the end of season5

Author g0tik4_
#1 | Posted: 1 Dec 2023 19:49 
Hello, I'm looking for fics where it's Spike and not Buffy that jumps to close the portal at the end of season5. He has to come back somehow as well, he can't stay dead. Thank you.

Author Hannora

#2 | Posted: 1 Dec 2023 23:14 
The fist one I have in mind is To Heaven and Back by Synefred

Summary: «If you asked my sister... It's like she doesn't even care that he's dead. It's like the world didn't stop when he died. But it did. And I just wish Spike wasn't dead anymore. Because then it would all be okay again.»
A different take on «The Gift» leads to a very different season 6...

Spike jumps from the tower (The Bloody Soul series by Kallysten cited in this topic can be found here.)

Spike dies in The Gift

I'll look for more.

Author flow
#3 | Posted: 2 Dec 2023 11:26 

I can think of a few where Spike jumps with someone else. For example Time After Time by Miss Luci

or the Jumpverse by OffYourBird (on AO3).

Are you looking for those as well or does it have to be just Spike who jumps?


Author g0tik4_
#4 | Posted: 2 Dec 2023 12:02 
Thank you so much for the answers already, I'll check these stories out, though I hope there will be more coming.

Author g0tik4_
#5 | Posted: 2 Dec 2023 12:03 
Thank you for the suggestion but no, I was looking more for stories when Spike sacrifices himself instead of Buffy and so saves the world in the process, the consequences of a soulless 'creature' sacrificing himself to save the world and what happens when he comes back.

Author g0tik4_
#6 | Posted: 2 Dec 2023 12:05 
Thank you so much, these looks great already. But sure, if you can find more, that would be great.

Fic Recs Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Fic Recs /
 Fics where it's Spike that jumps to close the portal at the end of season5

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