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The soul's kind of a big deal. Why not treat it as such?

Author EddyxMarvoloxRiddle
#1 | Posted: 28 Jul 2024 07:03 
I'm looking for stories that feature a soulful Spike.

HOWEVER, I would like it if the impact of a demon willingly getting his soul back, regardless of the reason, was actually felt.

Like, Spike had to be the first demon to willingly seek out his soul, right? Why are there no questions as to what this could mean on a universal scale?

I understand the show is BUFFY the Vampire Slayer. But I was always curious as to why no one really thought about what it meant, a demon getting his soul back. Willingly.

So yeah, as stated in the beginning, I'd like stories that feature a souled Spike, but that actually expand on the effect he has on people, the world, or even the balance of good and evil.

One shots. Multi chapter. Songfics. Poems. Whatever you got, I'll take.

Thanks in advance.

Author Hannora

#2 | Posted: 28 Jul 2024 15:48 
Hi EddyxMarvoloxRiddle,

Ufortunately, this subject never got the importance it deserved on the show. And don't get me started with the double standards between Angel's curse and Spike's quest... Well anyway, here's one story I think might fit your request:

Fangs, Wings, and Other Things by Soulburnt

Summary: After failing to stop Buffy from turning herself into the police for a murder she didn't commit, Spike picks himself up from the alley floor and heads to Africa to get his soul.  When he steps out of the cave, he's met by a delegation from the Vatican.  They're not there because of his soul (which is perfectly nice and all).  They're there to be a support team for his demon.  Spike finds he is suddenly emitting the most wonderful scent of roses, is preceded everywhere he goes by the sweet chime of bells, and that he occasionally sprouts wings.  None of that matters, though – he needs to get back to Sunnydale, preferably before Tuesday rolls around.

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 The soul's kind of a big deal. Why not treat it as such?

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